International cooperation: No FNR-RCN bilateral Call in 2020

The Research Council of Norway (RCN) will not run a bilateral Call with the FNR in 2020. However, Luxembourg-based scientists may still submit proposals directly to the RCN by 6 May 2020 – if successful, RCN will also fund Luxembourg partner.

For 2020, the ‘Money Follows Cooperation’ principle is implemented by the RCN. If successful, the RCN will fund both the Norwegian and Luxembourg-based partner in the project.

Please note that for 2020, proposals must be submitted to the RCN only (as this is not an FNR-RCN INTER Call, INTER rules do not apply and Call documents are not required to be submitted to FNR.) Please check the guidelines for Call details.

Go to FNR-RCN page for more information


INTERnational cooperation: Results 2021 AUDACE Call & upcoming webinars

The FNR is pleased to announce that 4 INTER projects have been retained for funding in the AUDACE Call with Quebec FRQ, with an FNR contribution of 100,000 EUR. Webinars for the 2022 Call will take place in late July and mid-August.

International cooperation: Round-up of 2021 retained INTER projects

In 2021, the FNR committed 12.1 MEUR of funding to 31 bi- and multilateral projects across 15 Calls via its INTER scheme to foster international cooperation. 

International cooperation: Round-up of 2020 retained INTER projects

In 2020, the FNR committed 17.4 MEUR of funding to 39 bi- and multilateral projects via its INTER scheme to foster international cooperation. 

International cooperation: NORFACE 2019 Call results

14 transnational and multi-disciplinary consortia have received funding from the European NORFACE network within the Call ‘Democratic governance in a turbulent age’. The total budget of the call was 17.3 MEUR. One project is led by a Luxembourg-based team at the University of Luxembourg.

International cooperation: Results 2019 M-ERA.NET Call

The FNR is pleased to communicate that four eligible full proposals involving Luxembourg partners have been retained for funding in the 2019 M-ERA.NET Call, an FNR commitment of 1.77 MEUR.

INTER: Results 2018 ANR-FNR Call

The FNR is pleased to be able to communicate that 4 of 31 proposals involving Luxembourg partners have been retained for funding in the ANR-FNR Call, representing an FNR commitment of 1.57 MEUR. 

International cooperation: Round-up of 2018 funded INTER projects

In 2018, the FNR committed 10.07 MEUR of funding to 25 bi- and multilateral projects via its INTER scheme to foster international cooperation.

International cooperation: Results 2017 M-ERA.NET Call

The FNR is pleased to communicate that all four eligible full proposals involving Luxembourg partners have been retained for funding in the 2017 M-ERA.NET Call, an FNR commitment of 1.76 MEUR.

International cooperation: Round-up of 2017 funded INTER projects

In 2017, the FNR committed funding to 23 bi- and multilateral projects via its INTER scheme to foster international cooperation, an FNR commitment of 10.12 MEUR.

International cooperation: Result ERACoSysMed JTC2 2017 Call

The FNR is pleased to communicate that one of three projects involving Luxembourg partners submitted to the multilateral ERACoSysMed JTC2 2017 Call has been retained for funding, an FNR commitment of 282,000 EUR.

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