
Career Stage(s): Postdoc & Junior Researcher, Established Researcher,

Funding Type(s): Project Funding, Support to establish research groups in Luxembourg,

Deadline: 15-11-2022 14:00 CET (pre-proposals)

Deadline: 21-02-2023 14:00 CET (invited full proposals)


The ATTRACT programme is designed for researchers not yet established in Luxembourg, who demonstrate the potential to become leaders in their field of research. The scheme offers promising junior researchers the opportunity to set up their own research team within one of the country’s research institutions.

Researchers are eligible between 2 and 8 years after their PhD, they must have an outstanding track record in their field which has to fit strategically to the research agenda of the Luxembourg host institution.

Host institutions offer candidates the prospect of developing an own research line. ATTRACT fellows are offered individual coaching and a career track towards a tenured position.


ATTRACT fellowships have a lifespan of 5 years.


The financial contribution by the FNR can be up to 1.5 MEUR for Starting Investigators (Postdoc & Junior Researcher level) or 2 MEUR for Consolidating Investigators (Established Researcher level). In the 2023 Call, the FNR expects to be able to fund 1 – 2 projects.


  • Interested candidates must check well in advance whether the Luxembourg host institution for their ATTRACT grant has an internal deadline prior to the FNR deadline.
  • The ATTRACT programme has 1 Call per year
  • The candidate must have 2 – 8 years proven experience in the R&D context, following the successful completion of a doctoral degree.
  • Research proposals must be submitted jointly by the candidate and host institution (candidates should contact their intended host institution well ahead of the FNR deadline to align with the institutions internal deadlines).
  • All applications must be submitted via the FNR Online Grant Management System.

Funded ATTRACT Fellows



Aurélia Chenu (University of Luxembourg) for project in the area of quantum dynamics and control.

Dr Alexandros Gerakis for an innovative laser technology project at the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST).


Lindsay Flynn (University of Luxembourg) for project investigating the relationship between housing policies and inequality (PRO-Active Policymaking for Equal Lives – PROPEL) [ATTRACT Consolidator grant].

Etienne Fodor (University of Luxembourg) for a project on the topic of active matter (Statistical Mechanics of Active Matter – SMAC) [ATTRACT starting grant]


Thomas Cauvin (C2DH, University of Luxembourg) for project involving public history as a new participatory model for interpreting the past (ATTRACT Consolidator)


Emma Schymanski (University of Luxembourg) for project ‘Environmental Cheminformatics to Identify Unknown Chemicals and their Effects’ (ECHIDNA) (ATTRACT Consolidator grant)

Johannes Meiser (Luxembourg Institute of Health) for project ‘Understanding and targeting the function of formate overflow in cancer’ (ATTRACT Starting grant)


Pedro Cardoso-Leite (University of Luxembourg) for project ‘DIGILEARN

Alex Redinger (University of Luxembourg) for project ‘SUNSPOT

Stan Schymanski (Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology – LIST) for project ‘WAVE


Samuel Greiff (University of Luxembourg) for project ‘Assessing Skills in the 21st Century

Ines Thiele (LCSB at University of Luxembourg) for project ‘An integrated multiorgan reconstruction of human metabolism: connecting diet to health


Karsten Hiller (LCSB at University of Luxembourg) ‘Metabolomics Junior Research Group

Oliver Kohns (University of Luxembourg) for project ‘Aesthetical Figurations of the Political in the Postnational Age – ÄPO


Andreas Michels (University of Luxembourg) for project ‘Earth Nanomagnetism – RARE

Paul Wilmes (LCSB at University of Luxembourg) for project ‘Systems Biology of Natural Microbial Assemblages – SysBioNaMa


Download the A3 poster or the flyer with descriptions.


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