International cooperation: Round-up of 2018 funded INTER projects

In 2018, the FNR committed 10.07 MEUR of funding to 25 bi- and multilateral projects via its INTER scheme to foster international cooperation.

The INTER Programme is the FNR’s main funding instrument to foster international collaboration. It aims to give Luxembourg’s public research a higher profile in the international context by providing funding for international collaboration. INTER enables the FNR to initiate bi or multilateral arrangements for project calls in conjunction with other national or international funding bodies.

Funded projects

Domain Materials, Physics & Engineering: 7 projects

Call / Call year

ANR / 2018


Emmanuel Defay

Host institution

Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)

FNR committed


Call / Call year

DFG / 2017


Jean-Nicolas Audinot

Host institution

Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)

FNR committed


Call / Call year

MERA / 2017


Patrick Choquet

Host institution

Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)

Project title

Low cost atmospheric pressure micro plasma coater instrument for its integration on a 2D and 3D additive manufacturing process of your proposal (PLACOATAM)

FNR committed


Call / Call year

MERA / 2017


Youssef Habibi

Host institution

Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)

FNR committed


Call / Call year

MERA / 2017


Jens Schwamborn

Host institution

University of Luxembourg

FNR committed


Call / Call year

MERA / 2017


Tommaso Serchi

Host institution

Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)

FNR committed


Call / Call year

RCUK / 2018


Jorge Iniguez Gonzalez

Host institution

Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)

FNR committed


Domain Life Sciences, Biology & Medicine: 7 projects

Call / Call year

AAL / 2018


Anne-Marie Schuller

Host institution


Project title

FNR committed


Call / Call year

ANR / 2018


Jean-Nicolas Audinot

Host institution

Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)

FNR committed


Call / Call year

EDCTP / 2017


Michel Vaillant

Host institution

Luxembourg Institute of Health (LIH)

Project title

Moxidectin for accelerating onchocerciasis elimination: A paediatric dose-finding study, a phase 3b trial comparing efficacy and safety of annual and biannual moxidectin or ivermectin treatment and mathematical modelling of moxidectin and ivermectin based (…) (MoxiMultiDoseMod)

FNR committed


Call / Call year

ERACoSysMed / 2017


Enrico Glaab

Host institution

University of Luxembourg

FNR committed


Call / Call year

ERA PerMed / 2018


Fay Betsou

Host institution

Luxembourg Institute of Health (LIH)

Project title

Data solutions based on a basket prospective trial with pembrolizumab and vorinostat in patients with advanced and/or recurrent squamous cell carcinoma (PEVOdata)

FNR committed


Call / Call year



Fay Betsou

Host institution

Luxembourg Institute of Health (LIH)

FNR committed


Call / Call year

LEIR / 2018


Rejko Krüger

Host institution

University of Luxembourg

FNR committed


Domain Innovation in Services: 4 projects

Call / Call year

AAL / 2017


Viviane von Döllen

Host institution

Stëftung Hëllef Doheem

Project title

FNR committed


Call / Call year

ANR / 2018


Michail Papadakis

Host institution

University of Luxembourg (SnT)

FNR committed


Call / Call year

FWO / 2018


Jean Botev

Host institution

University of Luxembourg

FNR committed


Call / Call year

RCN / 2017


Peter Y. A. Ryan

Host institution

University of Luxembourg (SnT)

FNR committed


Domain Sustainable Resources: 3 projects

Call / Call year

FNRS / 2018


Antonino Marvuglia

Host institution

Luxembourg Institute of Science & Technology (LIST)

Project title

Simulating economic and environmental impacts of dairy cattle management using Agent Based Models (SimBa)

FNR committed


Call / Call year

FWO / 2018


Veronique Van Acker

Host institution

Luxembourg of Socio-Economic Research (LISER)

Project title

The happy Commuter: a life-oriented Approach of commuting SatisfactIOn (CASInO)

FNR committed


Call / Call year

RCN / 2018


Thomas Gibon

Host institution

Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)

Project title

BioEnergy’s role in a Sustainable fuTure: an assessment of environment, technology, supply chains and uncertainty (BEST)

FNR committed


Domain Societal Challenges: 2 projects

Call / Call year

HERA / 2017


Sonja Kmec

Host institution

University of Luxembourg

FNR committed


Call / Call year

SNF / 2018


Christian Lamour

Host institution

Luxembourg Institute of Socio-economic Research (LISER)

Project title

The Right-Wing Populist Discourse in European Cross-Border Areas. A comparison between Switzerland and Luxembourg (CROSS-POP)

FNR committed


Domain Law, Economics & Finance: 1 project

Call / Call year

FWO / 2018


Mark Cole

Host institution

University of Luxembourg

FNR committed


Domain Mathematics: 1 project

Call / Call year

ANR / 2018


Gabor Wiese

Host institution

University of Luxembourg

FNR committed



INTERnational cooperation: 1st Green Era Hub Call

INTERnational cooperation: Pre-announcement NORFACE Call & FNR hosting info session

INTER call: last-minute possibility to participate in the NSF’s Global Centers Programme

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