INTER call: last-minute possibility to participate in the NSF’s Global Centers Programme

The NSF has launched a call to support innovative “Global Centers: use-inspired Research Addressing Global in Climate Change and Clean Energy”, in partnership with funding agencies in Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom. The FNR offers researchers in Luxembourg a last-minute opportunity to submit a proposal to this Call. Deadline is 10 May 2023.

While not being a full funding partner in this first edition of the call, this week, the FNR received positive feedback from the NSF concerning the participation of Luxembourg based researchers in a Global Center application. Luxembourg-based researchers interested in applying are required to reach out to Helena Burg for further details and especially for the FNR to provide the Luxembourg PI with a letter of commitment of resources required for the proposal submission at the NSF.

Mandatory: Letter of Collaboration from FNR

US PIs must indicate in the proposal that their Luxembourg-based partners would be eligible to receive funding from FNR if NSF determines that the proposal is to be selected for an award. This information would be included in the “Letter of Collaboration”.

Letters of Collaboration: These documents are required for all collaborators involved in proposed work, except for foreign collaborators from partner countries involved in implementation Track 1 proposals*. Include only official letters with specific commitments of resources from participating institutions, or organizations expected to receive subawards, or from organizations that will provide resources for the project. Letters are limited to two pages each and must indicate 1) what infrastructure, resources, expertise etc. will be available to participants at the international site, 2) what roles the foreign collaborators will play in the project, and 3) how foreign collaborators and/or their organizations will benefit from participation in the project. This solicitation requires these descriptive letters of collaboration in lieu of the standard PAPPG language. Letters are limited to two pages each.

*For Track 1 proposals, specific documentation is required from foreign collaborators from partner countries. See section II.D.1.a, as well as the section “Foreign Collaborator, Organization, and Funding Information”.

In addition, Luxembourg-based applicants are required to submit an INTER application to the FNR within 7 days after the call deadline, via the FNR’s Grant Management System. The maximum FNR funding contribution per proposal is 500.000 EUR. The general INTER rules (INTER programme description and INTER application guidelines) apply.

Full call information is available on the NSF website

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