Esch2022 | Sound of Data | Conference ‘If Data could talk…’

The Sound of Data Collective  (an Esch2022 project) has teamed up with Luxembourg’s National Institute of statistics and economic studies (STATEC) to organise a conference on 13 October 2022 where experts and practitioners will discuss the challenges and opportunities around innovation in data modelling and popularisation, data journalism and data-driven communication. And in this context investigate what data sonification and data visualisation can bring to the table. 

The conference will take place on Thursday, 13 October 2022, at 15:30 at Technoport (9, avenue des Hauts-Fourneaux, Esch-Belval).

Register here (free entrance)

Keynote speakers Duncan Geere and Miriam Quick will start off the event with a presentation entitled “A Sonic Vocabulary: Turning Data into Sound and Music with Loud Numbers.” The presentation will be followed by a panel discussion and a Q/A session with the public. FNR ATTRACT Fellow Prof Dr Emma Schymanski is part of the panel discussion.

Duncan Geere is an information designer based in Helsingborg, Sweden, interested in climate and the environment. He works to communicate complex, nuanced information to a wider audience for clients like Information is Beautiful, the Gates Foundation, and Project Drawdown. He currently works part-time for the climate charity Possible, and he’s also a generative artist and musician.

Miriam Quick is a data journalist, researcher and author who explores novel ways of communicating data. She has written data stories for the BBC, worked as a researcher for Information is Beautiful and the New York Times and co-created artworks that represent data through images, sculpture and sound. Her first book, “I am a book. I am a portal to the universe“, co-authored with Stefanie Posavec, won the Royal Society’s Young Person’s Book Prize 2021.

Duncan Geere and Miriam Quick are the founders of the Loud Numbers data sonification studio, and the hosts of the Loud Numbers podcast.

Panel discussion participants: Tom Haas (Head of Unit, STATEC), Emma Schymanski (PI, Environmental Cheminformatics, Luxembourg Center for Systems Biomedicine), Miriam Quick (Data Journalist, Researcher, Author), Jamie Perera (Composer, Producer, Sound Artist), Lara Schwenner (Science Journalist, Quarks/WDR).

About The Sound of Data

A joint project of FNR, Rockhal, LIST and University of Luxembourg transforms scientific data into music in an innovative and experimental approach with the help of data sonification. The aim of the Esch2022 project is to bring the worlds of music and science together at Belval.

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