PEARL SPOTLIGHT: The Dual Strategy


FNR PEARL Chair Lionel Briand has a strategy—and is part of a strategy. The researcher, a dual national of France and Canada who has been living and working in Luxembourg since 2012, is regularly ranked as one of the world’s top experts in software systems engineering.

He is vice director of the SnT, the Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust at the University of Luxembourg. Briand is surrounded by other experts, who are working on ensuring reliability and security of information technology, and who have close connections to Luxembourg’s private sector.

Why Luxembourg?

Briand’s strategy is to be wherever is best for conducting the most successful research. So, what brought him to Luxembourg? Is Luxembourg’s scientific infrastructure truly mature enough to attract a researcher of such stature to the Grand Duchy, a scholar who has been showered with international awards and distinctions?

“Internationally, Luxembourg is absolutely competitive in research areas such as IT security,” says Briand. “With colleagues like Björn Ottersten, we can conduct our research at the highest level here. Also—at the risk of being cliché and although Luxembourgers have probably heard this a countless number of times—the paths are short here! In next to no time, one can sit down at a table with ministers, the research heads of big companies, and other relevant players to get research projects rolling. That makes Luxembourg especially attractive,” explains Briand, smiling with his arms crossed as he reclines in his chair with his characteristic energy and enthusiasm.

4.6 MEUR PEARL Grant

It appears Luxembourg’s strategy is working: Anyone who can turn a Professor Briand into a pillar of the local scientific community, who can increase and promote the attractiveness of the country to the international research community through hosting a researcher of such reputation, must be doing a lot right. Certainly, Briand’s decision to move to the Grand Duchy was reinforced by the FNR PEARL Chair awarded to him: the grant is well endowed with 4.6 MEUR over five years. Equally important, however, was the fine IT research infrastructure at the SnT. Now that Luxembourg’s investment in Briand is paying off, with him having received prestigious grants, it is easy to applaud both strategies—that of Luxembourg’s research promoters and that of the world-class researcher.

Making software systems reliable, secure and safe

So, what is your research about, Mr. Briand? “My goal is to make software systems reliable, secure, and safe. An aircraft’s autopilot ought to work more reliably than a home computer. A system crash at an inopportune moment could bring about a crash of whole different proportions. And this reliability has to be reliably and automatically tested.” Such testing is Briand’s field of expertise. Complex software systems are now at the core of not only aircraft, but also banks, power plants and governmental institutions.

The research continues with an Advanced ERC Grant

To continue his research on testing complex software systems, in the spring of 2016, Briand was awarded an “Advanced Grant” from the European Research Council (ERC)—one of the highest distinctions Europe awards to researchers. Those who know Briand know that he won’t be hiding behind his computer, conducting his research in solitude. Rather, he is already thinking out loud about how to get industrial partners actively engaged in his projects. That is good for Briand—and good for Luxembourg.

This case study was originally featured in the FNR 2015 Annual Report




Paypal-FNR PEARL Chair: Gilbert Fridgen – Decentralisation Technology

PayPal-FNR PEARL Chair Professor Gilbert Fridgen and research group explore the future of financial services in a data driven environment, considering a broad range of angles, from usability, onboarding and operational efficiency to regulatory supervision. From self driving cars to space research, the research has wide relevance for the future.

FNR PEARL Chairs: Jochen Klucken – Digital Medicine

Digitalisation is moving forward fast in every field, including medicine. But how can digital tools be integrated into healthcare processes, and how should data be visualised to personalise patient care? These are only two of many questions that Professor Dr Jochen Klucken will analyse over with his research group as part of his 3.3 MEUR FNR PEARL project.

Spotlight on Young Researchers: Empowering critical digital humanities practice

Digitisation has had a significant impact on humanities research: not only has it changed how many scholars conduct their research, it has also led to completely new fields of research, such as digital humanities, a highly interdisciplinary science. Linguist Lorella Viola is interested in how software can enable critical digital humanities practice.

Understanding worldwide socio-economic inequalities makes our society stronger

Much like a physician, Prof. Louis Chauvel from the University of Luxembourg identifies and compares symptoms, signs and co-morbidities of societies around the world using quantitative models. While sociological studies typically consider a limited number of factors, Chauvel has the ambition of creating a global picture of the dynamics spanning generations.

It is not only money that is distributed unequally

PEARL grantee Prof. Conchita D’Ambrosio has developed new methods to paint a detailed picture of social inequality.

How socioeconomic inequality threatens social democracy

In the scope of the FNR PEARL programme, sought-after sociology Professor Louis Chauvel and his team analyse large-scale inequalities over long periods of time. The PEARL Institute for Research on Socio-Economic Inequality has gathered enough empirical data to understand the transformation of generations and inequalities dating back to the 1980s in around 30 countries.

Toward a better understanding and diagnosis of neurodegeneration and brain tumours

Renowned neuropathologist Prof Dr Michel Mittelbronn came to Luxembourg in the framework of the FNR’s PEARL programme in early 2017. At the Laboratoire National de Santé (LNS), the Luxembourg Institute of Health (LIH) and the University of Luxembourg’s LCSB, Prof Mittelbronn and his team is working to increase and improve neuropathological research and diagnosis in Luxembourg.

How inequality and economic insecurity affect individual well-being

Economist Prof Conchita d’Ambrosio has been FNR PEARL Chair at the University of Luxembourg since 2013, where she leads a team of scientists investigating how different factors determine individual and social well-being.

Enterprise modelling – making the abstract tangible

Professor Erik Proper has been FNR PEARL Chair at the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) since 2010. There he leads a team of scientists who create enterprise models to strategically advise decision-makers and develop new business areas.

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