Paypal-FNR PEARL Chair: Gilbert Fridgen – Decentralisation Technology


PayPal-FNR PEARL Chair Professor Gilbert Fridgen and research group explore the future of financial services in a data driven environment, considering a broad range of angles, from usability, onboarding and operational efficiency to regulatory supervision. From self driving cars to space research, the research has wide relevance for the future.

Supported by a PEARL Chair funded jointly by the FNR and Paypal, Prof Fridgen and his team conduct scientific research at the digital transformation of financial services and the intersection of finance and technology. The partnership supports the Luxembourg Government’s aim of making the country a world leader in innovative financial services.

“On the one hand, we have the climate crisis, but on the other hand we also have a continuing digitisation, and this digitalisation needs to be managed somehow. We do not want our data to be spread around the world. We want to keep control, we want to become sovereigns of our own actions also in the digital world. With our research we try to help people to achieve this also in the future.” – Prof Gilbert Fridgen

Discover more in our video below!

Video created by ScienceRelations on behalf of FNR.

Prof Gilbert Fridgen's research takes place at the SnT of the University of Luxembourg

New Research Luxembourg-RTL Today-SciLux podcast episode: Gilbert Fridgen

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