FNR PEARL Chairs: Jochen Klucken – Digital Medicine


Digitalisation is moving forward fast in every field, including medicine. But how can digital tools be integrated into healthcare processes, and how should data be visualised to personalise patient care? These are only two of many questions that Professor Dr Jochen Klucken will analyse over with his research group as part of his 3.3 MEUR FNR PEARL project.

Supported by a 3.3 MEUR FNR PEARL Chair, Prof. Dr Klucken will develop digital health concepts for Luxembourg through a joint research programme involving the Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine (LCSB) of the University of Luxembourg, the Luxembourg Institute of Health (LIH) and the Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg (CHL).

“We see the digital transformation in all aspects of our world. And this also is now being introduced into medicine. I have an interest to change or to shape this new way how we do medicine in the future ends up bringing evidence based digital tools into healthcare, which means into reimbursement is an ideal environment here in Luxembourg, maybe even as a Learning Centre for Europe.”

Discover more in our video below!

Video created by ScienceRelations on behalf of FNR.

Prof Jochen Klucken

New FNR PEARL Chair: Luxembourg paves the way for a new era of healthcare digitalisation


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