INTER and COST Networking & Info Day: Presentation available

Following the INTER and COST networking and info event held this week, the presentation is now available for download. 

The event was opened by FNR Secretary General Marc Schiltz, before Helena Burg, Head of International Relations at FNR, gave an overview of the many opportunities for international collaboration.

View or download presentation (PDF)


The INTER programme is the FNR’s instrument to provide co-funding for international research collaborations between scientists in Luxembourg and abroad. FNR offers ample opportunities for funding of joint, collaborative research projects in bilateral or multilateral consortia.

Joint proposals will be submitted to one funding agency (the lead agency), in charge of the evaluation of the proposals. For projects retained for funding, the Luxembourg part will be covered by the FNR, while the researchers abroad receive funding by their funding agency abroad.

Currently, the FNR has lead-agency agreements with 18 different foreign partners to support bilateral projects between researchers based in Luxembourg and abroad. In addition, the FNR is part of more than 8 international research networks offering multilateral research opportunities with over 35 countries for researchers based in Luxembourg. Please refer to our website for more information on the FNR’s INTER scheme facilitating international cooperation.

In general, the INTER programme follows a bottom-up approach and has clear rules for participation. However, the foreign partner agencies might require special attention to country (or call) specific rules and in the info session we would like to address the most common questions and issues.

View open INTER Calls

About COST

COST is a European cooperation measure in the field of scientific and technical research. It does not fund research itself but provides a platform for European scientists to cooperate on a particular project and exchange expertise. These projects are called “Actions”.

Each COST Action is a Network centred around nationally-funded research projects in fields that are of interest to at least five COST countries. COST provides the COST Actions with financial support for joint activities, such as conferences, short-term scientific exchanges and publications. Each COST Actions has an objective, defined goals and clear deliverables.

COST Actions have located their topic into one of COST’s scientific Domains.

Find out about current COST Actions


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