Save the date: Online COST Info Day

COST is organising an online Info Day, open to all researchers and innovators at any career stage and from any field of research, especially young researchers, as well as R&I staff. The aim is to inform researchers and innovators about how to connect with COST Actions or submit a COST Action proposal, the role and impact of the COST programme, and the benefits of participating in COST for researchers’ careers, with a focus on young researchers. The COST Info Day takes place on 24 May – registration required.

For organisational reasons, registration through the COST webpage is necessary to receive the link timely to join on 24 May. Please go to the bottom of the page, select 1 under ‘Qty’, and click ‘Register Now’ to access the form.

Programme overview
10:00 | Welcome and introduction | Director of the COST Association
10:10 | What is COST and how to participate in a COST Action? | COST Policy Officer
10:30 | How to submit an application? Tips & tricks | COST Science Officer
10:40 | Which activities are funded? | COST Administrative Officer
11:00 | What are the benefits of participating in COST? | COST Action Chair
11:15 | Q&A
11:30 | End of the session

Download the poster here and feel free to promote this session among your contacts!
Online COST Info Day 24 May 2023 poster StD

About COST

COST is a European cooperation measure in the field of scientific and technical research. It does not fund research itself but provides a platform for European scientists to cooperate on a particular project and exchange expertise. These projects are called “Actions”.

Go to FNR COST programme page

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