Delegation from Luxembourg Parliament meet research actors in Belval

In a follow up from the FNR Pairing Scheme, the FNR organised for a delegation from the Luxembourg Parliament to visit Belval, where they were welcomed by several research leaders and had the opportunity to discover Belval’s research environment.

After meeting Marc Schiltz, Secretary General of the FNR, the delegation was welcomed by Romain Martin (Vice-president for academic affairs, University of Luxembourg) and Prof Paulo Verissimo (FNR PEARL Chair, SnT), before going on a tour around Belval. The tour included visits to the the labs of FNR PEARL Chair Prof Rejko Krüger (LCSB) and FNR ATTRACT Fellow Prof Paul Wilmes (LCSB).

The delegation was mainly composed of members of the parliamentary administration, and the overall aim of the visit was to identify new avenues for documentation and exchange between Luxembourg’s Chamber of Deputies and the national research and innovation community.

Aline Muller, Chief Executive Officer of LISER, gave the delegation an overview of LISER

From left to right: Jean-Paul Bertemes (FNR); Jens Kreisel (FNR PEARL Chair, LIST); Joëlle Merges (Service des Commissions), Isabelle Barra (Service des Commissions), Laurent Besch (Responsable Service des Commissions), Carlo Linden (Responsable Service Gestion des Connaissances), Francine Cocard (1ère Conseillère Service des Commissions), Maryse Klein (Service des Commissions)

Visit to a lab at the LCSB

Prof Rudi Balling, Director of LCSB

Photos: Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)


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