Public conference: “Megatrends – Shaping the future with scientific foresight”

Science meets Politics: The conference “Megatrends – Shaping the future with scientific foresight” offers the opportunity for politics, science and society to think together about the important global trends that affect us all. Organised by the Scientific Service of the Luxembourg Parliament (Chambre des Députés) and the FNR, the conference takes place on 4 and 5 May at the Cercle Cité in Luxembourg City. Topics will include: Does digitalisation unite or divide our society? What challenges and opportunities does demographic change bring? What are the global and regional consequences of climate change, for Luxembourg, for Europe, for the world?

Presentations, interactive surveys and discussion panels consisting of researchers, policy makers and experts will provide numerous opportunities for the audience to engage in the discussion. The conference is also the closing event of the 3rd edition of the Pairing Scheme, where politics meets research.

Who is the conference aimed at?

The conference is addressed to the general public (especially Thursday afternoon), but also to professionals from NGOs, ministries, administrations, companies, researchers and scientists.

It is possible to register for both days as well as for individual blocks, such as the Thursday afternoon lecture by the Luxembourg journalist Philip Crowther. Known for his reports, which he delivers fluently in several languages for various news channels, Philip Crowther will talk about the future of news, analysis and communication in the coming years.

Practical information, registration, & live stream

Thursday, 4 and Friday, 5 May from 09:00

Cercle Cité, 2 Rue Genistre, 1623 Luxembourg

Link to register & detailed programme – (simultaneous translation from French-English and English-French)

Live stream

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