The European Commission has published data on trends for open access to publications, with Luxembourg ranking in 5th place, ahead of countries such as the United Kingdom and Germany.
The data, gathered through the analysis of Scopus data, shows the percentage of open access publications. It is presented by year, country and discipline.
Full data available on EU Commission website

What is the FNR doing to promote open access?
Open Access Policy: The FNR’s Open Access Policy – which requires publications arising from research funded, or co-funded by the FNR, to be made available online for free reading and reuse as soon as possible – applies to projects (co)-funded by the FNR from 1 January 2017.
FNR Open Access Fund: The programme provides financial support to cover article processing charges that may arise through the publication of peer-reviewed research results in Open Access.
Helping shape policy: The FNR is an active member of the Science Europe Working Group on Open Access.