On 25 November 2021, Science Europe released a vision for Research Culture in the European Research Area (ERA), committing to collective actions that enable a thriving research system. 
Societal challenges and research problems are becoming more and more complex and demands on science are increasing. In parallel, the attractiveness and sustainability of research environments are also put too much into question, reflecting the need for research funding and performing organisations to re-consider some research practices.
The new statement on Research Culture envisages an ERA that focusses on the quality of research and its processes, supports scientific freedom, and promotes social diversity and inclusion, acknowledging that these conditions will, in turn, foster a productive research system.
“Research culture influences how research is performed, communicated, and evaluated. We, as funding and performing research institutions, have now more than ever a responsibility to create together a common understanding and a long term-vision for a research culture of the European Research Area,” said FNR Secretary Marc Schiltz, in his capacity as President of Science Europe, launching the statement after the 2021 edition of the High-Level Workshop on the European Research Area.
Science Europe has made four concrete commitments “to create the best possible research ecosystem where researchers thrive’’. These include creating a value framework that supports this vision, revisiting incentives and rewards, and committing to actionable changes with relevant research stakeholders.
Statement on Research Culture – Empowering Researchers with a Thriving Research System
This position statement on Research Culture envisions an ERA that focusses on the quality of research and its processes, supports scientific freedom, and promotes social diversity and inclusion.