New video resource for funders: ‘Balanced, broad, responsible: A practical guide for research evaluators’

The FNR and DORA have released a jointly crafted resource for research assessment: ‘Balanced, broad, responsible: A practical guide for research evaluators’ is a short, educational video that provides a ‘checklist’ of six concrete suggestions for research funders seeking to improve responsible assessment of funding applications. These recommendations have been summarised in an accompanying briefing document.

The one-page brief includes suggestions for use within multiple contexts, including sharing the video and brief with grant evaluators, institutions, and researchers.

These resources are a result of the partnership between DORA and the FNR. In addition, the checklist was developed and iteratively improved with the valuable feedback of the DORA Steering Committee, DORA funder Discussion Group, active researchers, and other funding agencies.

The one-page brief includes suggestions for use within multiple contexts, including sharing the video and brief with grant evaluators, institutions, and researchers.

Download 1-pager as PNG or PDF

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