RESCOM: Launch of Call 2022-2

The FNR is pleased to announce the 2022-2 RESCOM Call for proposals. Deadline to submit proposals is 30 June 2022, 14:00 CET.

The objective of the Support for Research Communication (RESCOM) scheme is to provide competitive funding to support communication between researchers in view of disseminating and exchanging scientific outcomes. Thus the FNR provides co-funding for the organisation of outstanding International Scientific Conferences and Lecture Series in Luxembourg.

Go to RESCOM: Scientific Events programme page


2022-1 RESCOM Results

RESCOM 2021-2 results

Results RESCOM 2021-1 Call

Results RESCOM 2020-2 Call

Results RESCOM 2020-1 Call

Results RESCOM 2019-2 Call

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