New FNR Open Access Policy and Funding Instrument

With the launch of calls for some of its major funding programmes, the FNR introduces its new policy on Open Access publications from FNR-(co)funded research, and a new funding instrument to help cover article processing fees.

For all proposals where positive funding decisions are taken after 1 January 2017, the FNR requires that Open Access options are selected for scientific publications resulting from those projects (exception: monographs). Up until now, the FNR recommended that research results are published in Open Access, but it was not mandatory.

An Open Access publication is one that is made freely available to any potential reader or user with access to the internet, with the only limitation that the work is properly attributed to its author(s).

Open Access publications contribute to a more efficient and effective use of research results, maximises the potential for innovation, increases the visibility of researchers and their research institutions and provides the conditions for a bigger return on invest of public money.

The new FNR policy is in line with the global transition towards Open Access and the National Open Access Policy that is supported by all major research institutions. Please see the FNR’s policy document ‘FNR Open Access Policy‘.

New Open Access Fund to support FNR beneficiaries

To help FNR beneficiaries comply with this new policy, the FNR has created guidelines and a dedicated OPEN ACCESS FUND. This new funding instrument aims to reimburse article processing fees that may arise through the Open Access publication of peer-reviewed results from FNR-(co) funded research. The FNR reimburses article processing charges (APCs), provided certain conditions are fulfilled.

From 2018, a call for applications will be announced annually for the reimbursement of costs incurred from manuscripts published in the previous calendar year.

Eligible to apply to the OPEN ACCESS FUND are FNR beneficiaries of the following funding instruments who received funding decisions after 1 January 2017: CORE, OPEN, INTER, INTER Mobility, PEARL, ATTRACT, NCER, CORE-PPP, POC and IPBG. Also eligible to apply are AFR-PPP and AFR INDIVIDUAL beneficiaries that carried out their research predominantly in Luxembourg.


  • Proposals of any type for which the funding decision is taken by the FNR after 1 January 2017 may no longer request funding for publication costs within the project proposal. Article processing charges may only be refunded through the FNR Open Access Fund according to the rules set out in the guidelines.
  • For all other proposals (funding decision before January 1st 2017) or any ongoing projects, the specific rules for funding of publication costs will remain valid until the end of the contract with FNR. Nevertheless, the FNR advises to ensure Open Access to all publications resulting from these projects.


cOAlition S releases Journal Checker Tool

Evolution of FNR funding policies in 2021

Open access: World Health Organization (WHO) and TDR Join cOAlition S

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