IPBG: Cutting-edge research to advance development of next-generation satellite-terrestrial networks

The FNR is funding a six-year research partnership between the University and SES via the FNR’s Industrial Partnership Block Grant  (IPBG) programme. The aim of the extensive new research project is to advance data networks.

Titled INSTRUCT (INtegrated Satellite-TeRrestrial Systems for Ubiquitous Beyond 5G CommunicaTions), the research initiative is funded by the FNR’s Industrial Partnership Block Grant (IPBG) programme, the FNR’s most extensive funding mechanism for collaborative industrial research in Luxembourg. The IPBG scheme is aimed at supporting innovation through collaborations between industry and academics, and building an ecosystem of skilled expertise.

For the INSTRUCT project SnT will support SES, the leader in global content connectivity solutions, to conduct research in next-generation integrated satellite-terrestrial networks, leveraging what has already been achieved in the 5G area and advancing it further. The project builds on a successful 10-year relationship between SnT and SES that has resulted in a number of advanced technology solutions in areas such as digital signal modulation, dynamic beamforming, high throughput modem technologies, complex software systems modelling, and natural language processing. The IPBG award will fund 17 SnT research projects, that will each have a team of a PhD or PostDoc student, an academic supervisor from SnT, as well as an industrial supervisor from SES.

The integration of satellite and terrestrial systems is crucial as truly global next-generation networks require an ecosystem of multiple communication infrastructures to be inclusive, ubiquitous and affordable. Satellite proved to be an ideal enabler of the next-generation networks thanks to its wide coverage, ability to deliver to moving platforms, and simultaneity. It will allow a broad range of next-generation connectivity scenarios, even in remote areas, for crucial applications in mobile backhauling, aero and maritime connectivity, emergency response, telemedicine, and much more. As an industry leader, SES has a solid track record in delivering to the existing data markets, and spearheads major technology innovation and standardisation initiatives, including for 5G.

“We launched the IPBG programme as a pilot project in 2016, and it is quickly becoming an essential mechanism to funnel research funding towards complex industrial challenges. It is a priority of Luxembourg to establish an economy that is focused on innovation, and the longstanding partnership between SES and SnT is an excellent example of the positive results of such collaborations.” – Andreea Monnat, Deputy Secretary General at FNR.

“Our business relies on the technology we use, and we are embracing innovations that support current markets and unlock new opportunities for the customers we serve. With its outstanding R&D capabilities, SnT is a reliable partner in advancing innovation with a truly global impact, and we are happy to continue working with them. With the backing of the FNR and SnT, we are sure we will be able to further advance on integrated satellite-terrestrial networks.” – Ruy Pinto, CTO, SES.

“The integration of satellite and terrestrial networks is a complex research challenge as we enter the beyond 5G era,” said Prof Symeon Chatzinotas, Project Principal Investigator, SnT. “This FNR grant gives us the support to build a Center of Excellence in Luxembourg and spearhead research and technology transfer in this area.”

“The partnership with SES over the years has been a driving force for some of the most exciting research outcomes of SnT,” said Prof Björn Ottersten, Director, SnT. “We are proud to have our work validated by receiving this IPBG from the FNR and are confident the research will create substantial opportunities for the space sector in Luxembourg.”

About IPBG

The aim of the Industrial Partnership Block Grant (IPBG) programme is to foster the cooperation between Luxembourg based companies active in R&D and public research institutions in Luxembourg. The IPBG awards a block allocation of PhD and/or Postdoc grants (Industrial Fellowships) in which Luxembourg-based industry partner(s) take the lead in arranging a research programme with a Luxembourg-based public research institution of their choice (in research relevant to FNR’s strategic priority areas).

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