
Country(s): Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Norway, Poland, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland,

Deadline: Ongoing


Weave is a bottom-up, cross-European initiative developed by European research funders to support excellent collaborative research projects across borders.

It aims to simplify the submission and selection procedures of collaborative research proposals that involve researchers from up to three European countries or regions. It does this by making proposals go through a single evaluation procedure.

Weave will enable bi- and trilateral scientific cooperation within Europe. Researchers will be able to collaborate with their peers in countries where there were previously no collaborative funding agreements.

It is a bottom-up mechanism, with no additional restrictions on the thematic focus or subject matter covered by the proposals than the ones provided for by the relevant national and regional calls.

Weave does not represent additional research funding. Proposals compete in the national and regional funding schemes opened to Weave Funding allocated for collaborative research projects through Weave will be provided through national or regional funding programmes.

Weave comprises 12 national research funders from 11 European countries. It is supported by Science Europe, the European association of research funding and performing organisations. Together, they commit to strengthening international research collaboration and helping to realise the European Research Area.

Find out more on weave-research.net

New: From 2023 there is a new WEAVE partner: ARRS- Slovenian Research Agency, deadline February 2023 – more info to follow.


If the FNR acts as Lead Agency, joint proposals have to be submitted to the FNR CORE call (i.e. CORE international). If the Lead Agency is abroad, Luxembourg participants are required to submit an INTER application within 7 days after the joint proposal’s submission at the Lead Agency.
Please check the “Weave info for Luxembourg based researchers” for more info.

Download WEAVE Information for Luxembourg-based researchers

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