
Country(s): Czech Republic,

Deadline: 20-04-2023 (FNR lead)

Deadline:07-04-2022 (GACR lead)


This new cooperation is based on the Lead Agency principle, which means that the projects will be only evaluated and recommended for funding by one of the organisations, while the other one will adopt its conclusions. This year only GACR will be in the role of the evaluating Lead Agency in the case of the cooperation with Luxembourg. Starting next year, research projects will be evaluated by both sides. The agreement enables researchers to propose trilateral with other partners, especially in eastern Europe.

See Lead Agency rules for 2021

More about WEAVE

The FNR is one of 12 funding agencies in 11 European countries to sign WEAVE, a bottom-up, cross-European initiative developed by European research funders to support excellent collaborative research projects across borders.

WEAVE aims to simplify the submission and selection procedures of collaborative research proposals that involve researchers from up to three European countries or regions. It does this by making proposals go through a single evaluation procedure.

Find out more on the FNR-WEAVE programme page or on the WEAVE website

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