International cooperation: Round-up of 2017 funded INTER projects

In 2017, the FNR committed funding to 23 bi- and multilateral projects via its INTER scheme to foster international cooperation, an FNR commitment of 10.12 MEUR.

The INTER Programme is the FNR’s main funding instrument to foster international collaboration. It aims to give Luxembourg’s public research a higher profile in the international context by providing funding for international collaboration. INTER enables the FNR to initiate bi or multilateral arrangements for project calls in conjunction with other national or international funding bodies.

Funded projects

Domain Materials, Physics & Engineering: 9 projects

Call / Call year

FWO / 2017


Alexandre Tkatchenko

Host institution

University of Luxembourg

Project title

Modeling long-range correlation energies in extended systems: Monopolar charge fluctuations (MONODISP)

FNR committed


Call / Call year

RCUK / 2016


Mohamed El Hachemi

Host institution

LIST – Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology

FNR committed


Call / Call year

ANR / 2016


Patrick Choquet

Host institution

LIST – Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology

FNR committed


Call / Call year

ANR / 2016


Jens Kreisel

Host institution

LIST – Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology

FNR committed


Call / Call year

SNF / 2016


Santhana Eswara

Host institution

LIST – Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology

Project title

Nanostructured passivating contacts for high efficiency crystalline silicon solar cells (NACHOS)

FNR committed


Call / Call year

SNF / 2016


Jean-Nicolas Audinot

Host institution

LIST – Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology

Project title

Tailored Design and in-depth understanding of perovskite solar materials using in-house developed 3D/4D nanoscale ion-beam analysis (SOLAR4D)

FNR committed


Call / Call year

DFG / 2016


Lars Alphonsus Antonius Beex

Host institution

University of Luxembourg

Project title

A virtual lab for Ni/PU hybrid foams: stochastic micromechanical identification and efficient numerical simulations (Open-cell metal foams)

FNR committed


Call / Call year

DFG / 2016


Bernhard Peters

Host institution

University of Luxembourg

FNR committed


Call / Call year

M-ERA.NET / 2016


David Duday

Host institution

LIST – Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology

FNR committed


Domain Innovation in Services: 4 projects

Call / Call year

AAL / 2017


Christoph Stahl

Host institution

LIST – Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology

FNR committed


Call / Call year

RCUK / 2017


Björn Ottersten

Host institution

University of Luxembourg (SnT)

FNR committed


Call / Call year

AAL / 2016


Viviane von Döllen

Host institution

Stëftung Hëllef Doheem

Project title

Living well with Anne (Living well)

FNR committed


Call / Call year

ANR / 2016


Symeon Chatzinotas

Host institution

University of Luxembourg (SnT)

Project title

Spectral efficient Receivers and Resource Allocation for Cognitive Satellite Communications (SIERRA)

FNR committed


Domain Life Sciences, Biology & Medicine: 4 projects

Call / Call year

DFG / 2017


Roland Krause

Host institution

University of Luxembourg

Project title

FNR committed


Call / Call year

ANR / 2016


Jonathan David Turner

Host institution

LIH – Luxembourg Institute of Health

FNR committed


Call / Call year

DFG / 2016


Etienne Moussay

Host institution

LIH – Luxembourg Institute of Health

FNR committed


Call / Call year

ANR / 2015


Thomas Sauter

Host institution

University of Luxembourg

FNR committed


Domain Humanities & Social Sciences: 3 projects

Call / Call year


Christine Schiltz

Host institution

University of Luxembourg

Project title

Spatial-Numerical associations in mental arithmetic (SNAMATH)

FNR committed


Call / Call year

DFG / 2017


Andreas Fickers

Host institution

University of Luxembourg

FNR committed


Call / Call year


Philippe Van Kerm

Host institution

LISER – Luxembourg of Socio-Economic Research

FNR committed


Domain Law, Economics & Finance: 1 project

Call / Call year

RCUK / 2016


Tibor Neugebauer

Host institution

University of Luxembourg

FNR committed


Domain Sustainable Resources: 1 project

Call / Call year

DFG / 2017


Tonie van Dam

Host institution

University of Luxembourg

Project title

Understanding the global freshwater system by combining geodetic and remote sensing information with modelling using a calibration/data assimilation approach (GlobalCDA)

FNR committed


Domain Mathematics: 1 project

Call / Call year

ANR / 2016


Hugo Parlier

Host institution

University of Luxembourg

Project title

FNR committed



INTERnational cooperation: 1st Green Era Hub Call

INTERnational cooperation: Pre-announcement NORFACE Call & FNR hosting info session

INTER call: last-minute possibility to participate in the NSF’s Global Centers Programme

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