International cooperation: Result ERACoSysMed JTC2 2017 Call

The FNR is pleased to communicate that one of three projects involving Luxembourg partners submitted to the multilateral ERACoSysMed JTC2 2017 Call has been retained for funding, an FNR commitment of 282,000 EUR.

The JTC-2 2017 Call had a focus on Systems Medicine and involved 13 funding organisations.

Funded project

Luxembourg PI and institution

Enrico Glaab (University of Luxembourg)

Project title

Multi-dimensional stratification of Parkinson’s disease patients for personalised interventions (PD-Strat)

FNR Committed

€ 282,000

International coordinator

Peter Heutink (DZNE)


INTERnational cooperation: 1st Green Era Hub Call

INTERnational cooperation: Pre-announcement NORFACE Call & FNR hosting info session

INTER call: last-minute possibility to participate in the NSF’s Global Centers Programme

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