International cooperation: NORFACE programme on democratic governance – full proposal stage

The FNR is pleased to inform that 3 out of 8 Luxembourg proposals are invited to submit a full proposal to the NORFACE programme on democratic governance: “Democratic governance in a turbulent age”.

Procedure: Applications to the Governance programme are processed in two stages. In the first stage, project teams were invited to submit an Outline Proposal by 19 February 2019, 14.00 CET. Eligible Outline Proposals have been assessed by an Evaluation Panel of international experts and based on the programme’s assessment criteria, 46 out of 197 consortia are selected and invited to submit a Full Proposal by 10 September 2019, 14.00 CET.

Eligible Full Proposals are submitted for assessment to external reviewers and applicants will be able to comment on the external reviews (rebuttal). The Evaluation Panel then assesses the applications, reviews, and rebuttals, arriving at a list of projects recommended for funding based on the assessment criteria. The NORFACE Network Board expects to make funding decisions and inform applicants in March/early April 2020.

Call documents full proposal stage

All details, requirements and instructions for this Call are specified in the following documents. For the Full Proposal stage, the call documents have been updated in accordance with the NORFACE Governance Call for Proposals.

Please be informed that the Call documents for the NORFACE Governance Full Proposal stage have just been published on the NORFACE website. All Main applicants to the Full Proposal stage have also just been notified.

The FNR-NORFACE programme page has been updated accordingly.

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