International cooperation: Luxembourg team part of successful transnational proposal

The FNR is pleased to announce that a team of Luxembourg researchers is part of a transnational proposal that been selected for funding in the NORFACE DIAL Call. The FNR will support the Luxembourg team with 263,000 EUR over 3 years, as part of its INTER programme to foster international collaboration.

The project ‘IMCHILD: The impact of childhood circumstances on individual outcomes over the life-course’ is one of 13 projects selected for funding in this Call. 170 outline proposals were submitted at pre-proposal stage, with 49 invited to full proposals. All 4 Luxembourg teams who submitted outline proposals were invited to submit full proposals.

The Luxembourg team consists of Philippe van Kerm from the Luxembourg Institute of Socio-economic Research (LISER), and Anne Hartung, a post-doctoral researcher in sociology, who works with FNR PEARL Chair Louis Chauvel at the University of Luxembourg.

In addition to the Luxembourg partners, the international team consists of:

  • A. Peichl, The Centre for European Economic Research (Germany)
  • A. Trannoy, School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (France)
  • D. Waldenström, Uppsala University (Sweden)
  • A. Lefranc, Université de Cergy-Pontoise (France)

About the project

The impact of childhood circumstances on outcomes in adulthood has been widely studied in literature. Although much is known about the relationship between parental background and children’s performance at certain stages of their adulthood, little has been done to analyse how childhood circumstances influence educational and labour market outcomes of individuals over the entire life course and under certain institutional designs and policies.

Rather than focusing on a specific stage of adulthood as most studies do, this project aims to employ a life-course perspective and analyse:

(1) how circumstances in childhood affect influential decisions which mark individuals’ transition to adulthood (educational and occupational choices, family formation etc.), and

(2) how these decisions translate into social and economic outcomes (e.g. labour market performance, well-being, (early) retirement decisions) at later stages in life.

The international team will simultaneously address these questions from intergenerational mobility and equality of opportunity perspectives and involve cross-country comparisons, in order to identify causal mechanisms via which social and economic advantages are transmitted from one generation to another, reproducing and reinforcing inequalities in the society.

The international team of researchers from France, Germany, Luxembourg, Sweden, and the US will be working in close co-operation to build extensive knowledge on the topic and equip policy-makers with potential options for policy interventions. The results of the project will be summarised in several PhD dissertations, published in academic and non-academic outlets, and disseminated via presentations at relevant events.


New Opportunities for Research Funding Agency Co-operation in Europe (NORFACE) is a collaborative partnership of national research funding agencies from 18 European countries in the area of social and behavioral sciences.

The FNR first joined ERA-net NORFACE (New Opportunities for Research Funding Agency Cooperation in Europe) network as observer in 2016.

So far, the FNR has facilitated the participation of Luxembourg partners in two NORFACE Calls, allocating funding for each of the Calls via its INTER programme:


INTERnational cooperation: 1st Green Era Hub Call

INTERnational cooperation: Pre-announcement NORFACE Call & FNR hosting info session

INTER call: last-minute possibility to participate in the NSF’s Global Centers Programme

Narrative CV – 2023 workshop

Webinar: FNR Reporting is evolving in 2023!

International cooperation: 2023 JPND Call

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