International cooperation: 2022 ERA PerMed Call

ERA PerMed, the ERA-Net Cofund Action on Personalised Medicine (PM) has launched its 2022 Call with a pre-proposal deadline of 17 February 2022, 17:00 CET. Topic of this call is ‘Prevention in personalised medicine’. An information session is scheduled for 9 December 2022.

ERA PerMed is an ERA-NET Cofund, supported by 32 partners of 23 countries and cofunded by the European Commission (EC). To align national research strategies, promote excellence, reinforce the competitiveness of European players in Personalised Medicine (PM), and enhance the European collaboration with non-EU countries, 30 funding organisations have agreed to launch the fourth Joint Transnational Call for collaborative innovative research projects in PM. This represents the third additional call non-cofunded by the EC. The funding organisations participating in this call particularly wish to promote innovative interdisciplinary collaboration and to encourage translational research proposals.

The FNR supports this multilateral Call with 300,000 EUR as part of its INTER programme to foster international collaboration between researchers based in Luxembourg and abroad. The total budget for the Call is approx. 29 MEUR.

Go to FNR- ERA PerMed programme page

Info session ERA PerMed JTC2022

An (online) information session is scheduled for 9 December 2021, from 13:00 to 14:30 CET.

View agenda or register


INTERnational cooperation: Results 2021 AUDACE Call & upcoming webinars

International cooperation: Round-up of 2021 retained INTER projects

International cooperation: Round-up of 2020 retained INTER projects

International cooperation: NORFACE 2019 Call results

International cooperation: Results 2019 M-ERA.NET Call

INTER: Results 2018 ANR-FNR Call

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