FNR Secretary General Marc Schiltz this week joined a Luxembourg state visit to France, which included meeting with the leadership of French research agencies CNRS and ANR.

As part of the state visit to France, Marc Schiltz, General Secretary of the FNR, met with Antoine Petit, CEO of the CNRS and Thierry Damerval, Managing Director of the National Agency for Research (ANR). France is the most important international scientific partner for Luxembourg.
Since 2006, the FNR has maintained a cooperation agreement with the CNRS, the largest scientific research organisation in France and one of the largest in the world. Marc Schiltz and Antoine Petit have agreed to renew this FNR-CNRS cooperation agreement for a new four-year period.
Since 2014, the FNR also has a cooperation agreement in place with the ANR, the main research funding body in France. In total, 17 Franco-Luxembourg research projects were jointly financed by the FNR and the ANR, representing a commitment of 17 MEUR.
The three organisations also work very closely at European level and co-finance multilateral projects with French and Luxembourg participation.