Greater Region Interregional Science Prize 2020

The Call for the Greater Region Interregional Science Prize 2020 is open. The prize is awarded to research networks that work at least bilaterally, but preferably multilaterally, on a topic that is of cross-border interest within the Greater Region. *Update: Deadline postponed to 31 August 2020*

First place is doted with a 35,000 EUR prize, second place is doted with a 10,000 EUR prize.


This prize is intended to honour scientific cooperation in the Greater Region. The prize will be awarded to a collaborative research project which has been completed within the two years prior to the launch of the Call for the 2020 Prize.

The collaborative project must have at least two research laboratories or facilities be involved in two different regions of the Greater Region and the project must:

  • be of high scientific quality, e.g. Have been the subject of scientific publications in an international journal;
  • demonstrate the added value of cross-border work in the Greater Region for the implementation of projects;
  • have a socio-economic impact on the Greater Region, e.g. transferring research results to the cross-border, European or international economy.

How to apply

  • Applications may be submitted either directly by the project partners or by the institutions to which they are affiliated.
  • The application documents must be written in German and French and sent by e-mail to a single dedicated e-mail address. Supplementary documents and annexes may also be submitted in English.
  • For each application received, a confirmation of receipt will be issued. Any documents submitted after the deadline for which no official receipt has been given will not be considered.
  • After this period, the projects will be submitted to a jury for the selection of the winners.

*Update July 2020: Deadline to apply has been postponed to 31 August 2020.*

The prizes will be awarded on 25 November 2020.

More information

Prix interrégional de la science de la Grande Région / Interregionaler wissenschaftspreis der Gross Region – website


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