Greater region Call: Support for dissemination of inter-regional research

The Greater Region has launched its Call to highlight scientific excellence in the Greater Region and generate new synergies in the research sector. Complementary funding for dissemination will be made available for ongoing and scientifically validated research projects with the participation of one or more research institutes in the Greater Region. The actions supported may be aimed at the general public, scientists, stakeholders, companies and/or decision-makers. Deadline is 15 July 2021.

Full information

Soutien interrégional à la recherche / interregionale Forschungsförderung – website



Research institutes in the Greater Region wishing to disseminate information about an ongoing and scientifically validated research project.

Eligible projects

Eligible applications include actions for the dissemination of research projects or results of research projects in progress at the time of application, financed by third parties and involving research institutes in the Greater Region. They must be complementary actions not included in the initial project.

The research projects must initially have obtained public funding (FNRS, DFG, BMBF, ANR, FNR, H2020 …) after an external selection based on criteria of scientific excellence.

The proposed actions are to be carried out during the year following the official announcement of the beneficiaries.

Selection method

The projects will be submitted to a jury in charge of selecting the dissemination actions.

The jury is composed of 10 members, one institutional representative and one scientist per entity. The entities involved in the Interregional Prize are:

  • Luxembourg (Ministry of Higher Education and Research) ;
  • Saarland (Chancellery of the Saarland);
  • Rhineland-Palatinate (Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Weiterbildung und Kultur);
  • The Wallonia-Brussels Federation;
  • La Région Grand Est (Conseil Régional Grand Est).

The award ceremony will take place on 25 November 2020 during the Ministerial Conference of Higher Education and Research of the Greater Region.

Selection criteria

  • Expected socio-economic and/or scientific impacts of the action: the short-, medium- and long-term impact on the identified target groups (general public, researchers in a scientific field, etc.).
  • Cross-border interest and added value: the cross-border nature of the action, the impact in the Grande Région and even beyond (partners in the Grande Région, target public in the Grande Région, research in a priority area for the Grande Région, etc.).
  • Idea and implementation: the feasibility and suitability of the action on the basis of the defined success criteria.

Amount of support

The grant awarded is a maximum of € 5 000 per application.

In the case of a joint action of two or more scientific partners from different parts of the Greater Region and involving the implementation of dissemination actions on different sides, the amount of funding can reach a maximum of €10,000.

Application information

  • Deadline for applications is 15 July 2021.
  • The application must be submitted by a research institute participating in the research project – if applicable – with other research institutes from other slopes in the Greater Region.
  • The application form must be completed in French and German. Supporting material and documents may also be submitted in English. The application must be submitted electronically to the e-mail address indicated in the application form.
  • The application form must be sent to
  • An acknowledgement of receipt issued by the Higher Education Department of the Greater East Region will be issued for each application. No application submitted after the deadline and not officially acknowledged will be accepted.

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Greater Region Interregional Science Prize 2020

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