2023 Grand Prix en Sciences de l’Institut Grand Ducal – Prix en Sciences Biologiques/Prix Cactus

In cooperation with the FNR and several private sponsors, the ‘Section des Sciences Naturelles, physiques et mathématiques de l’Institut Grand-ducal’ is now accepting applications for the 2023 Grand Prix en Sciences de l’Institut Grand Ducal / Prix Cactus, this year being awarded in the domain of biology. Deadline to apply is Friday, 31 March 2023.

Since 2010, the Institut grand-ducal has awarded each year a researcher (m/f) for either their complete work or an exceptional discovery in the fields of biology, chemistry, geology, mathematics and physics. To be eligible for the award, the researcher (m/f) must be of Luxembourgish nationality or a researcher working or having worked in the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg with the major part of his/her scientific work and international publications done in the Grand-Duchy. The prize is currently endowed with 5.000 EUR and is awarded during an academic session at the end of the year.   

The 2023 prize is dedicated to the field of biology and is called after its sponsor, “Prix CACTUS”. 

How to apply

All applications must be submitted by 31 March 2023 latest, by postal and electronic mail (Professor Lucien HOFFMANN, President of the Section des Sciences, Institut Grand-ducal de Luxembourg, c/o Bibliothèque nationale de Luxembourg, 37D, avenue J.F. Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg / lucien.hoffmann@list.lu). The application must contain an application letter, a complete curriculum vitae of the candidate as well as a document describing the work and the results that are to be considered by the jury. The regulation of the Grands Prix en Sciences de l’Institut Grand-ducal can be viewed here 

For any further information, please contact Professor Lucien Hoffmann, President of the “Section des Sciences de l’Institut Grand-ducal” (Lucien.hoffmann@list.lu). 


Paul Wilmes elected to Institut Grand-Ducal

Grand Prix 2018 en sciences biologiques awarded to Paul Wilmes

FNR ATTRACT Fellow to be awarded Grand Prix 2018 en sciences biologiques de l’Institut Grand Ducal

FNR-funded researcher to be awarded ‘Le Grand Prix 2015 en Sciences Physiques’

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