
Career Stage(s): Postdoc & Junior Researcher, Established Researcher, Leading Researcher,

Funding Type(s): Project Funding, Support for knowledge transfer & innovation,

Deadline: 30-06-2023 14:00 CET

Deadline: 01-12-2023 14:00 CET

Call launch: 2023-1 Call launch: End of April 2023


The FNR JUMP programme is a competitive funding instrument, open to all domains, that is designed to bridge the technical and funding gap between research-driven discoveries and their commercialisation/ utilisation, thereby enhancing the impact of Luxembourg’s research on the economy and society.

FNR will provide financial support to advance the development of applied research-driven and leading-edge technologies/concepts, products, and services that have the potential for:

  • Creation of a spin-off company that will commercialise the invention.
  • Further funding and collaboration because of commercialisation.

Changes starting with this Call: Entrepreneur in Residence-bonus (EiR-bonus) add-on

The FNR has partnered with the Ministry of Economy (MECO) to provide supplementary funding to meet the above two objectives that aim to generate spin-offs. Through the joint Entrepreneur in Residence-bonus (EiR-bonus) add-on funding tool, implemented within the framework of the FNR-MECO collaborative spin-off programme, the Ministry of Economy aims to contribute to progressively improving the national framework of support to spin-off creation and to increase the long-term success rates of this type of new ventures.

The project proposal with “spin-off intent” will get add-on funding to recruit an Entrepreneur in Residence (EiR). The pilot call 2023-1 is aimed to support up to six spin-off track projects, each receiving an add-on 50,000 EUR in addition to the FNR funding. This add-on will only be eligible when an external EiR is identified and hired for the project. EiR potentially leads the business development activities of the JUMP project and contributes to the project’s commercialization success. When a proposal of “spin-off intent” is envisaged, then an EiR must be identified, and the EiR’s CV must be submitted alongside the proposal.


FNR will support JUMP projects with a maximum length of 24 months. Projects can start immediately after notification of the funding decision and no later than 9 months thereafter.

For projects in the biomedical sciences, successful project applications will be funded with a maximum of 450,000 EUR.

In all other domains, funding is limited to maximum 250,000 EUR.


  • All applications must be submitted via the FNR Online Grant Management System.
  • Panel dates: 20 September 2023: Bio-Medical Projects | 21 September 2023: Technology Projects
  • Funding decisions are communicated no more than 4 months after submission deadline.

See also..

Download the 2023 calls overview as an A5 flyer with short descriptions or A3 poster with deadlines only.


Narrative CV – 2023 workshop

Webinar: FNR Reporting is evolving in 2023!

JUMP 2023 initiation & networking event


  • All
  • Humanities & Social Sciences
  • Information & Communication Technologies
  • Life Sciences, Biology & Medicine
  • Materials, Physics & Engineering
  • Opinion
  • Research meets industry
  • Spotlight on Young Researchers
  • Women in science

Spotlight on Young Researchers – revisited 5 years later: From drones to space robotics

From lab to startup: LuxAI and QTrobot – a robot to help children with autism

From lab to spin-off: NIUM – nutrition as a therapeutic tool

We need both: start-ups and research-based spin-offs, but they need different support measures to be successful

LALA: An innovative programme to help children learn to read

Spotlight on Young Researchers: German Castignani

“Over the past 15 years public R&D spending has increased 12 fold”

Shifting the innovation gap in Luxembourg

POC: Pocket-sized intestines – the HuMiX model enables intestinal flora to be investigated under real conditions

Luxembourg researchers develop computer models for hundreds of bacterial strains

Better driving made easy thanks to Motion-S app

Study finds eating fiber prevents gut bacteria from eating you

Clear the stage for knowledge-based business ideas

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