CORE is the central programme of the FNR. A multi-annual thematic research programme, the prime objective of CORE is to strengthen the scientific quality of Luxembourg’s public research in the country’s research priorities adopted by the Government on 20 December 2019.
CORE projects should be innovative and of high scientific quality. All projects are peer reviewed by international reviewers.
New for 2023
Extension of international collaborations (CORE International): The Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS, Slovenia) joins the call as Weave partner.
CORE projects have a lifespan of 2 – 3 years and funding is allocated on a competitive basis.
- The FNR allocates a maximum financial contribution of 26 MEUR for the CORE 2023 Call.
- Deadline for submissions is 20 April 2023, 14:00 CET.
- Funding decisions will be communicated to applicants by end-October 2023.
- First time CORE applicants are strongly encouraged to contact the FNR for additional guidance prior to submitting a research proposal.
Within the CORE programme, bilateral and trilateral projects with project partners requesting funding from e.g. DFG (Germany), SNF (Switzerland), FWF (Austria), FWO (Belgium), FNRS (Belgium), GACR (Czech Republic), NCN (Poland), or Formas (Sweden) may be submitted under the lead agency principle.
Further bilateral collaborations are possible with researchers funded by EMBL or by the Autonomous Province of Bolzano – South Tyrol (Italy). Proposals have to be submitted as “CORE international” and must fulfil all requirements of the CORE call.
Further funding opportunities for joint projects in cross-border collaborations are supported within the FNR’s INTER programme, see for example Weave.
Find out more about International Cooperation opportunities
See also..
- All
- Information & Communication Technologies
- Life Sciences, Biology & Medicine
- Spotlight on Young Researchers
- Women in science