“Ziel mir keng!”: New format in FNR collaboration with RTL

In the framework of the FNR’s collaboration with RTL in the PISA science show on TV, the FNR has developed a new format: the science.lu check “Ziel mir keng!”. In each episode, members of the science.lu team answer one main question on a particular topic, while giving background information about the scientific method and explaining the current status of scientific evidence around the topic.

This new series will be broadcast on RTL Television, after each PISA episode, on RTL Play and on the science.lu Youtube Channel – and also on the other social media outlets of science.lu (Facebook, and shorter teasers also on Instagram and TikTok). Topics range from 5G, to gender-specific language, insect die-off and more.

On the new format, Jean-Paul (Jhemp) Bertemes, Head of Science in Society at FNR, says:

“This new format allows us to better make use of our extensive fact checks, to show that there is a whole team behind the science.lu content production, and to address topics that are relevant for society and the societal debate, but that are difficult to illustrate in other formats.”

The first episode aired on Sunday, 27 February on RTL Luxembourg TV. Each episode will afterwards be available both on the RTL website and in a science.lu article. Topic of the first episode is “5G: Is it dangerous or not?” – see it below (Luxembourgish only)

Watch the news report and teaser on RTL.lu

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