The FNR is organising a workshop within the framework of the European projects RRI-Tools and SPARKS, entitled: ‘Responsibility in science and business’. The workshop, which takes place on Thursday, 10 November, is organised together with Luxembourg Science Center, Luxinnovation and Technoport, together with the King Baudouin Foundation and SoScience.
The work of researchers and innovators has an impact on society. The research and innovation community therefore has a social, even societal, responsibility. Concepts and techniques exist to make innovation more ‘responsible’, increasing the benefit for all. The workshop aims to explore these tools and spark better awareness of the topic.

The event features speakers and various stakeholders in the field of Responsible Research and Innovation. Participants will discover techniques and methods that enable researchers and innovators to contribute responsibly to a smart, inclusive and sustainable society.
Time and date
Thursday, 10 November
10:00 – 14:00 (registration begins at 09.45)
Forum du Campus Scolaire Geesseknäppchen, Room « Aquarium » , ground floor
40, boulevard Pierre Dupong ; L-1430 Luxembourg
Target groups
- Researchers at all career stages
- Project managers and other research staff
- Entrepreneurs, start-ups and other innovators
- Policy-makers
Deadline to register
The workshop is limited to 30 participants. Deadline to register is Friday, 4 November.
09:45: Arrival
10:00: Guided tour through the traveling exhibition SPARKS ‘Beyond the lab: The DIY science revolution’ (by Nadia Battello, Luxembourg Science Center)
10:45: Welcome and introduction (by Jean-Paul Bertemes, Luxembourg National Research Fund ; Bénédicte Gombault, King Baudouin Foundation ; Melanie Marcel, SoScience)
11:00: Defining responsibility in science and business today (by Bénédicte Gombault, King Baudouin Foundation)
11:15: New business opportunities: a Responsible Research and Innovation approach (by Melanie Marcel, Founder of SoScience)
11:45: coffee break
12:00: Presentation of the Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) toolkit: New techniques and resources to act responsibly (by Bénédicte Gombault, King Baudouin Foundation).
12:15: Presentations of all actors: What are we currently doing to be responsible?
12:30: “Can I make any difference at all?” – Challenges to integrate responsibility in business strategy and research projects. (by Melanie Marcel, SoScience)
13:00: Wrap-up in plenary & Conclusions
13:30: Lunch
14:00: End of session
More information
This workshop is organised in the framework of RRI Tools, a EC funded project designed to build a toolkit on Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) and create a community of practice in Europe.