Why Science and Youtube are a perfect fit

The famous German edutainer, science journalist, moderator and scientist Mai Thi Nguyen-Kim (Quarks & Co., schön schlau, maiLab) will give a keynote talk Friday 24 May, 12:30-13:30 @Belval, Halle des poches à Fonte. Join the inspiring talk about why Science and Youtube are a perfect fit and register now!

Mai Thi Nguyen-Kim is a chemist and became popular through her Youtube channels “The Life of Scientists”, where she questions stereotypes about scientists and nerds and convey scientific topics to the younger generations, and “Schönschlau”, which was renamed “maiLab” in 2018. The later Youtube channel was produced by “funk”, a joint offer of ARD and ZDF for young people and young adults. Here she answers hot scientific questions by always referring to scientific publications and the scientific process.

She now also co-moderates, since 1 May 2018, the German program Quarks, where she replaced the famous Luxembourg presenter Ranga Yogeshwar and belongs together with Harald Lesch and Philip Häusser to the team of Terra X Lesch & Co.

We are very happy to welcome Mai Thi Ngyuen-Kim to Luxembourg and hope that many of you will grasp the opportunity to listen to this inspiring keynote talk about science communication.

The talk will be held in German, but we will provide an English translation.

We will also offer a free lunch after the keynote talk.

If you want to participate in the keynote talk and the lunch, please register below.

The keynote talk is also the opening of a web video training for young scientists the FNR offers. If you are a student, young scientist, Youtube blogger or science communicator, you can join the whole training by registering here (limited places).

Thank you in advance.

The FNR’s Science in Society team.

Date, time & location

Friday, 24 May 2019, 12:30 – 13:30

Halle des poches à fonte, Avenue du Rock’n’Roll / Avenue des Hauts-Fourneaux, L-4361 Esch-sur-Alzette

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