Web video contest: Fast Forward Science – submit your videos!

The FNR encourages researchers, science communicators, students and those interested in science to submit web videos on science and research as part of the Fast Forward Science web video contest! The challenge: The videos should be entertaining, scientifically sound and comprehensible at the same time. Deadline is 7 February 2023.

The web video competition Fast Forward Science, endowed with a total of 23,000 EUR spread across three categories, is a joint project of Wissenschaft im Dialog and the Stifterverband and has been held annually since 2013. In the framework of its collaboration with Wissenschaft im Dialog (WiD), the FNR is a partner in 2019 Fast Forward web video contest.

The mission of Fast Forward Science is to make science web videos more visible: The medium of web video should be perceived and used more as a means of communication for scientific topics suitable for the masses.

The FNR is convinced that science communication has an important role to play in today’s society – many topics in politics and everyday life are complex and research contributes valuable input. Therefore, the FNR encourages researchers and science communicators to speak up and let their voices be heard – videos, via channels such as Youtube, is a great tool for reaching a wide audience.

What and how to submit?

The main competition is all about moving images. Here you can submit your video in the three main categories Young Scientist Award, Scientist & Research Institution Award and Tandem Award, depending on your professional or scientific background. Entries must have appeared on a social media platform between 9 February 2022 and 7 February 2023 and be publicly accessible via a link.

The topic can be chosen freely, but the focus should be on your own research or scientific interest. There are also two special prizes, Open Box Special and Audio Special, which recognise other scientific online formats. The Short & Crisp Award honours non-German-language videos and is awarded together with the SILBERSALZ Science & Media Festival.

The special categories are open to submissions from all interested parties, whether scientists or not. In the main competition, first place winners will each receive 3000 €, second place winners 2000 € and third place winners 1000 €. In the special prizes, only the first-place winners will receive 1000 €, in the Short & Crisp the prize money is 3000 €.

The awards ceremony will take place in June 2023 at the SILBERSALZ Festival in Halle.

View full Terms & Conditions on Fast Forward Website

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