2023 Science Slam Luxembourg

Young scientists from Luxembourg give entertaining insights into their research 

On 15 September, it’s once again time for science on stage: In the Abbey Neimënster, six young scientists from Luxembourg will compete for the favour of the audience. In 10 minutes, they will present their scientific work in an entertaining way. At the end, the audience decides which presentation was the best and is awarded the Science Slam trophy. Register to compete now!  

Want to present your research in the Science Slam format? Register by 11 June 2023.

Science slams are a science communication format where young scientists explain their research projects in short 10-minute-talks that are easy to follow and afterwards the audience gets to vote. The important thing is not primarily the scientific outcome of their work, but to explain it in an understandable, entertaining and concise way. Science slams take place outside the university or lecture halls and instead in cultural centers, theaters or clubs, usually in the evening. So, in a science slam, the scientists leave their ivory tower and become a part of popular culture.

An open format and plenty of potential for entertainment

In order to convey their topic both clearly and entertainingly, the slammers are free to choose the type of presentation they want to give in 10 minutes. Classical presentations as well as experiments on stage, singing and dancing or other props are allowed. The only condition: The presentation must give an insight into their own research. The Science Slam is organised by the doctoral association LuxDoc and the Project ‘Doctoral Education in Science Communication’ from the University of Luxembourg. “We are looking forward to an exciting evening,” says Laure Pauly, president of LuxDoc. “The presenters cover the full range of Luxembourg’s diverse research landscape.” 

First place will receive the golden microphone trophy at the end of the evening. Afterwards, there will be the opportunity to socialise with the slammers over a drink.


The Science Slam is co-financed by the Luxembourg National Research Fund through our PSP Classic funding scheme (promoting science to the public).  It was highlighted in the FNR’s 2021 Annual Report, watch the video below!

More information

Further information at https://scienceslam.uni.lu/  

YouTube videos from the 2021 edition

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