SnT Research Seminar: ‘A Trustful Internet of (Cyber-Physical) Things’

The SnT is organising a seminar on ‘A Trustful Internet of (Cyber-Physical) Things’, Prof Antônio Augusto Fröhlich, Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC). The seminar, which takes place on Monday, 19 June 2017, is organised by Prof Björn Ottersten (Director SnT) and Prof Paulo Verissimo (FNR PEARL Chair).

Date, time and location

Monday, 19 June, 14:30

Room 2.220, Maison du Savoir, 2, avenue de l’Université, L-4365 Esch-sur-Alzette


The Internet of Things (IoT) is a central element of contemporary society. The potential for new services based on both the interaction among the ‘Things’ and the data they produce has been demonstrated by numerous projects and is now also attracting important sectors of the economy. However, most demonstrations of IoT presented thus far make use of technologies developed for the original Internet and SmartPhones.

Assuming that each object connected to the Internet will feature an ordinary TCP/IP stack implemented on the same premises of the original Internet is certainly a mistake, especially considering aspects such timeliness, security, and trustfulness. Moreover, the IP protocol itself, the driving force of the technological revolution we live, does not encompass the basic notions of space and time that are so crucial to Cyber-Physical Systems.

At LISHA/UFSC, a more Trustful Internet of (Cyber-Physical) Things is being fostered through Project EPOS, which provides an open hardware and software IoT platform to support research on communication protocols, energy awareness, timeliness, security, and trustfulness of CPS applications.

In this talk, Prof Fröhlich presents the project achievements within these topics, along with some real CPS@IoT applications.

About the speaker

Antonio Augusto Fröhlich is currently an Associate Professor at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), where he has been leading the Software/Hardware Integration Lab (LISHA) since 2001. With a PhD degree in Computer Engineering from the Technical University of Berlin, he has coordinated a number of R&D projects on embedded systems, including the ALTATV Open, Free, Scalable Digital TV Platform and the CIA² research network on Smart Cities and the Internet of Things.

Major contributions from these projects materialized within the Brazilian Digital Television System (SBTVD) and Wireless Sensor Network technology for Energy Distribution, Smart Cities, and Precision Agriculture. Dr. Fröhlich is member of ACM, IEEE, and SBC.

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