Science Europe seeking new Secretary General

Science Europe, an the association of public European research funding Organisations and major research performing organisations (RPO) from 27 countries, is recruiting a new Secretary General. Marc Schiltz, the FNR’s Secretary General, is President of the Science Europe Governing Board. Closing date for applications is 15 March 2019.

About Science Europe

Based in Brussels and established in 2011, the organisation’s mission is twofold: active advocacy and collaboration between Member Organisations (MOs). The organisation has established itself as a recognised and respected ‘third voice’ in the European Research Area, alongside national governments and the European institutions, and impacts political decisions concerning science and research. The organisation also promotes exchange, sharing of best practices and co-operation between its Member Organisations (MOs) in terms of both policy and activities. Science Europe is based in Brussels (Belgium).

Job description

Together with the Governing Board (GB), the Secretary General will develop the strategy and policy for Science Europe, taking into consideration the input from the member organisations. The Secretary General will translate Science Europe’ strategy into an action plan and will lead its implementation through the organisation of working groups, task forces, and high-level networks.

The Secretary General will lead the Science Europe Office and will proactively monitor European and international developments in science and research policy and provide policy expertise. S/he will be the ‘spokesperson’ of Science Europe towards the European institutions and other stakeholders and will advocate and promote Science Europe’s vision, strategy, and policies.

The Secretary General will have strong leadership skills and networking skills. S/he should have at least a Master’s degree education level or equivalent and have at least 10 years of relevant professional experience, preferably within research at national level and/or in public research policy in the university sector or in wider government. An experience within the academic research area is an asset, as is familiarity with the research policies/programs of the European Union and member state institutions.

The ideal candidate will have experience in budget and people management; and an excellent level of English (spoken and written). Operational knowledge of one or more EU official languages is a plus.

Science Europe has retained Russell Reynolds Associates to assist with this appointment. For further information on the position and additional details on qualifications, requirements and terms and conditions of service, please review the position specification available.

To apply, please send your CV and cover letter to:, including the role title and the reference number 1902-005BL in the subject line of your email. The closing date for applications is 15 March 2019.

View job description on Russel Reynolds Associates website

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