Register – webinar: The Québec research and innovation ecosystem and collaboration opportunities with Luxembourg

On Thursday, 28 October from 16:00 – 17:00 CET, high-level representatives will host the webinar ‘The Québec research and innovation ecosystem and collaboration opportunities with Luxembourg’. Registration is now open.

During this webinar, high-level representatives from Québec and Luxembourg will present the Québec research and innovation ecosystem and provide information on collaboration opportunities. We will also hear from researchers about their experience of collaboration between Québec and Luxembourg. The webinar follows the signing of a cooperation agreement in the fields of research, innovation and higher education between the Governments of Québec and Luxembourg in March 2021 and is aimed at fostering closer links between researchers and innovators from Québec and Luxembourg.



Opening and introduction – Luxinnovation

Welcome – Romain Martin, Senior Government Advisor, Ministry of Higher Education and Research

  • Strategic priority of Québec
  • Agreement between the Governments of Québec and Luxembourg

Presentation of the R&I ecosystem of Québec

  • Research ecosystem and priorities of Québec

Janice Bailey, Scientific Director, FRQNT (Fonds de recherche du Québec, Nature et Technologies)

  • Innovation ecosystem and opportunities for Luxembourg

Loick Gauthier, Senior director, Innovation Institute, Conseil de l’Innovation du Québec

  • Presentation of MILA, a Québec research community in artificial intelligence

Catherine Saine, Director, Partnerships and Strategy, MILA

Opportunities and priorities for the Québec/Luxembourg R&I collaboration

  • Audace programme and other opportunities for research collaboration

Helena Burg, Head of International Relations, Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR)

  • Priorities of the innovation ecosystem in Luxembourg and collaboration opportunities

Benjamin Questier, Director R&D and Innovation Support, Luxinnovation

Testimonies by researchers on their collaboration with Québec

  • Prof. Dr. Jacques Klein, Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust, University of Luxembourg
  • Dr. Andy Chevigné, Luxembourg Institute of Health

Question and answer session

Closing and farewell

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