National OpenAIRE conference: Register now!

The FNR is pleased to invite to Luxembourg’s first National OpenAIRE conference on Thursday, 26 October 2017, which will feature talks and discussions on all things Open Science. A full programme is now available and registration is open.

Research is becoming progressively more open, transparent and accessible to society. Open Science is all about making publications free to access (Open Access), rendering data and code available to re-use and share (Open Data, Open Source) and changing towards more transparent and collaborative practices.

Date, time and location

Thursday, 26 October 2017 from 14:30

3rd floor, Maison du Savoir, Belval Campus

A live stream will also be available


14:00-15:00: Registration and coffee

15:00-15:45: Keynote 1 – “Do you speak Open Science? Discover why you should!”, Lennart Martens (Ghent University, Belgium)

15:45-16:30: Keynote 2 – “Open in order to … fight inequality.”, FNR PEARL Chair Conchita D’Ambrosio (University of Luxembourg)

16:30-17:00: Questions & Answers

17:00-19:00: Networking around a complimentary standing buffet


Please register via the University of Luxembourg website before Sunday, 22 October 2017.

More information

Feel free to contact the National Open Access Desk representative in Luxembourg (OpenAIRE) if you would like to get further information about the event: Jonathan England –

This event is organised by the University of Luxembourg and OpenAIRE in partnership with FNR, LIH, LIST, LISER, MPI, LuxDoc and EURAXESS.

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