Rising star: University of Luxembourg advances in Computer Science rankings

Computer Science at the University of Luxembourg has reached 58th place worldwide in the Times Higher Education (THE) World Ranking. This domain is strongly supported by the FNR, most notably with two FNR PEARL Chairs.

Overall, the University of Luxembourg is part of the circle of the world’s 200 best universities: this year, it ranked 178th, from 193th last year, in the prestigious Times Higher Education (THE) World University Ranking.

Attracting excellent researchers in computer science

“A very important factor for attaining this excellent position is our sustained, determined effort to attract excellent first-rate researchers in computer science,” says Prof. Rainer Klump, President of the University. This has been a research priority at the University from the start when the Computer Science and Communications (CSC) group was established in the Faculty of Science, Technology and Communication.

In 2009, the University launched the Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT) to spearhead this research priority and increase the socio-economic impact of computer science research.

Two FNR PEARL Chairs in Computer Science

FNR PEARL Chair Lionel Briand is Head of the Software Verification and Validation Laboratory, SnT/FSTC at the University of Luxembourg, where his expertise focusses around software verification and validation; software testing; model-driven requirements, as well as architecture and design. Prof Briand was awarded an ERC Advanced Grant in 2016.

FNR PEARL Chair Paulo Verissimo is Head of the CritiX group (Critical and Extreme Security and Dependability) at SnT, and his academic focus is on security; dependability; distributed computing; fault and intrusion tolerance, as well as real-time and embedded systems.

SnT hosts a large number of computer science researchers and today has over 250 employees. “At SnT, we place a strong emphasis on going beyond excellent research to create socio-economic impact”, says Prof Björn Ottersten, the founding director of SnT.

30 long-term partnerships established

The centre has aligned its strategy to that of the Government of Luxembourg and is a sought-after cooperation partner for companies and institutions. Some 30 long-term partnerships have been established with infrastructure and service providers, technology and system integrators, banks and financial institutions, as well as public agencies.

“By creating efficient synergies between public and private investments in research, we can ensure that our partners become more competitive and continue to invest in the country”, says Ottersten. SnT has recruited outstanding computer scientists, among them two FNR PEARL chair holders and two ERC advanced grant awardees.

“We are convinced that excellence and impact directly result from our focus on areas aligned with national priorities and industrial needs,” says Ottersten.

This news story was adapted the original announcement on the University of Luxembourg’s website

View University of Luxembourg Times Higher Education (THE) ranking page

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