Results 2022-2 PSP-Classic Call

The FNR is pleased to communicate that 9 projects have been retained for funding in the 2022-2 PSP-Classic Call, representing an FNR Commitment of 198,901 EUR.

The aim of the funding programme “Promoting Science to the Public” is to bring science closer to society, in particular Luxembourg’s society. The scheme funds projects that allow the target audience to come into contact with science and research interactively.

Go to PSP-Classic programme page – 2023-1 call deadline 1 March 2023, 14:00 CET.

Funded projects


Anna Bordus

Project title

Asteroid Day – Luxembourg Space Festival


Asteroid Foundation

FNR Committed



The main aim of this project is to use mediated communication to raise and/or enhance awareness of the public in general of topics relating to SPACE. These will include amongst others science, engineering, entrepreneurship, art, and technology and will be mediated by astronauts, scientists in academia and industry, industrialists and artists. The communication will take place through workshops, booths, demonstrations and hands-on activities.

In 2023 we propose to revolutionise the mode of delivering our programme to make all aspects of it open to the public. We also propose to widen the topics covered by our network of experts. This year, we propose the inclusion of Art in Space as a major deliverable.

Before, we organized two events at schools (Lycée de Garçons Luxembourg and Lycée Vauban) attracted 650 students. These events were greatly overbooked. We have had requests from other schools afterwards to hold events in 2023 at their locations. Reorganising the events to enable the public to attend one main event will overcome the problem of limiting access.


Claude Wilwert

Project title



Ecole fondamentale de Weiler-la-Tour

FNR Committed



Seit rund 2 Jahren führen wir einen Schulgarten ( rund 2000m2) mit der NODIGGING-Methode und versuchen die Biodiversität zu fördern indem wir verschiedene Zonen anlegen. Letztes Jahr haben wir ein großes Gewächshaus errichtet, jedoch noch nicht benutzt. Dies ist das Ziel dieses Projektes: Die Aufzucht von Gemüse mit Hilfe einer automatisierten Bewässerungsanlage die später auch noch in den Schulgarten erweitert wird. Die Kinder sollen das Anpflanzen, Vermehren, Pikieren und Nutzen der Gemüsesorten erlernen und erkennen wie die Temperatur und der Wasserverbrauch ein entscheidender Faktor beim Pflanzenwachstum ist.

Experimente zu den Pflanzen, Analyse der verschiedenen Bodenarten, Erfassen der Temperatur im Garten und Gewächshaus. Die Lichtverhältnisse sowie die Bewässerungsmenge werden festgehalten. Workshops werden durchgeführt: Färben mit Naturfarben, Kochen,… Die Kinder lernen das Extrahieren des Saatguts anhand der Kürbisse, Tomaten, CalendulaPflanzen, Gurken usw. Die Kinder vermessen die Pflanze wöchentlich und tragen die Werte in eine Tabelle ein. Auch Temperatur und Wassermenge werden eingetragen. Digitales Mikroskope werden benutzt.


Lisa Noesen

Project title

Genetics And Pathology Lab


Fondation Cancer

FNR Committed



Recurrent edition of the workshop (with LNS) that shows all steps as done in a cancer lab. For adult and children there are adapted activities. Includes Virtual Reality headsets, direct interactions with researchers and further information on posters.


Catherine Schilling

Project title

Life/Health Sciences And Technologies – Artificial Intelligence, Prostheses And Bioprinting


Lycée technique pour professions de santé – LTPS

FNR Committed



The topic of this year’s project week is Life/Health Sciences and Technologies – Artificial Intelligence, Prostheses and Bioprinting. To give our students the best possible insights in application related to real life and current research, we combine this project with an excursion to Vienna, where we have access to different universities and researchers. We want to bring our students in contact with enthusiastic scientists and technologists such as Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Birkfellner or Prof. Dr. Johannes Martinek, who can give them an understanding of their individual research topics and stimulate them to develop their own study project in those fields.

Students have to develop, in project groups, their own mindset on these subjects and present them at the end of the year to public (teachers, parents, etc.). In addition, we will define a jury that will choose the group with the best outcome. Scientists of FNR PSP are very welcome to be part of this jury.


Chantal Albert

Project title

Voyage Scientifique Normandie


Ecole Privée Fieldgen

FNR Committed



Le projet ‘Voyage scientifique en Normandie’ fait projet du projet langues et sciences de l’École Privée Fieldgen. Ce projet implique qu’au cours de l’année scolaire, les élèves de 7ième partent en France afin de permettre une immersion linguistique et culturelle liée à un projet scientifique. Le projet est constitué d’une phase de préparation pratique en classe durant laquelle les élèves apprendront essentiellement à connaître les outils scientifiques nécessaires: la procédure expérimentale, les techniques de mesure, le matériel de laboratoire, l’utilisation du microscope optique et du stéréomicroscope, l’application des clés d’identification, le respect des règles de sécurité en laboratoire. La deuxième phase se déroule en Normandie. Lors du séjour d’une semaine les élèves seront amenés par groupes de deux ou trois à élaborer leur propre projet scientifique sur place.

Chaque groupe élaborera un rapport concernant le travail exécuté. De retour à l’école, les élèves, supervisés par les enseignants en sciences et en français, prépareront des affiches, vidéos et petites expériences qui leur permettront de présenter leurs projets aux parents.


Angeliki Kostaki

Project title

Egean: Exergaming In Pregnancy


Luxembourg Health & Sport Sciences Research Institute ASBL

FNR Committed



The main aim of EGEAN project is to promote the science of exergaming during pregnancy to relieve LPP and motivate pregnant women to continue exercising pre and post nataly. Participants will have the chance to practice exergaming for LPP management via a sensorised gym ball. Assessment of functional mobility and discussion on the useability of exergaming will be part of the EGEAN project workshop. Participants will receive a booklet with gym ball exercises and recommendations about LPP management. The EGEAN long term impact on exercise adherence will be monitored by the project team.


Marina Andrieu

Project title

Cybersecurity Game For Teens



FNR Committed



The project result is the design of a single-player game desktop available freely online (open access and cloud-based) and accessible with an individual login. It will provide an educational experience for teenagers in the field of computer science and cybersecurity and could be easily integrated into the science curriculum but could also be played at home without adult supervision. It includes different levels and challenges to unlock. The expected duration to complete is from 2 to 6 hours depending on the player’s level and usage. The design and testing of the game will involve teachers, educators, pupils as well as local and international experts. The project also aims to leverage Tetiana Melnychuk, an educational expert and ICT teacher from Ukraine currently under Luxembourg’s temporary protection. This collaboration is an opportunity for WIDE ANDCO, an organisation that has a local network of ICT professionals with strong technological expertise in project management in education and gender field, to extend its experience working in the field of youth education, especially gaining new expertise in gamified education but also to communicate on science topic to a large audience.


Ronen Even Tzur

Project title

Digital Life Skills, Coding And Logical Thinking Workshops For Kids Ages 4-6 Ages 7-10 And Ages 10-13


Kids Life Skills asbl

FNR Committed



Kids Life Skills is a Luxembourg based non-profit organization that aims to teach young kids coding, logical thinking, problem solving, collaboration along with other essential digital life skills to help prepare them for the technology heavy future. We engage with children through hands-on and interactive activities to make the learning process fun and interesting for them.We are in an increasingly digital world. Life skills for the new era are being redefined for adults and kids alike and digital skills are now at the core of these redefined, new age life skills.


Anne Weis

Project title

Etude De Différents Écosystèmes


Lycée Robert-Schuman Luxembourg

FNR Committed



Au cours de ce projet, les élèves seront amenés à étudier différents écosystèmes (forêt, zone humide, eaux douces, dunes,..). Le travail sur le terrain (observations macroscopiques, mesures de facteurs abiotiques, détermination d’espèces, …) sera complété par des travaux pratiques au laboratoire (observations microscopiques, dissections, expériences). Un stage écologique à Norderney complètera les études. Sur place, différents ateliers seront animés par l’équipe pédagogique du “”Nationalparkhaus Norderney”” où les élèves auront l’ossacion de faire une étude approfondie de plusieurs habitats locaux, de faire des relevés et d’analyser ainsi la faune et la flore de l’île. À la fin du projet, les élèves présenteront leurs résultats sous forme d’une petite exposition à l’occasion de la porte ouverte du lycée.

Faute de matériel pédagogique adapté, les sorties ou stages écologiques ne figuraient pas vraiment à l’ordre du jour de notre lycée. Ainsi nous espérons qu’à travers ce projet, et grâce à une aide financière du FNR, nous pourrons dans le futur organiser ce type d’activités de manière plus régulière et sans dépendre du matériel d’autres lycées.


Results 2022-1 PSP-Classic Call

Results 2021-2 PSP-Classic Call

Results 2021 PSP-Flagship Call

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