Results 2020-2 INTER Mobility Call

The FNR is pleased to announce that 1 of 3 eligible INTER Mobility projects have been selected for funding from the 2020-2 Call, an FNR commitment of 5,120 EUR.

The aim of the INTER mobility programme is to promote the exchange between research groups from public research institutions in Luxembourg, and leading research groups abroad.

Find out more about INTER Mobility – next deadline 20 January 2021, 14:00 CET

Funded project: INTER Mobility IN (researchers from abroad coming to Luxembourg)

Researcher & institution (Lux)

Michela Gianna Bia (Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research – LISER)

Project title

Causal Mediation Analysis and Machine Learning based estimators (CAME)

Researcher & institution abroad

Prof Martin Huber ( University of Fribourg)

Duration (weeks)


FNR Committed

5,120 EUR


Results 2022-1 INTER Mobility Call

Results 2021-1 INTER Mobility Call

Results 2020-1 INTER Mobility Call

Results 2019-2 INTER Mobility Call

Results INTER Mobility Call 2019-1

Results INTER Mobility Call 2018-2

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