Results 2017-2 KITS Call

The FNR is pleased to announce that both eligible projects submitted to the 2017-2 KITS Call have been retained for funding, representing an FNR commitment of 700,000 EUR.

The objective of the Knowledge & Innovation Transfer Support Programme (KITS) is to provide competitive funding to public research institutions in Luxembourg that will allow them to attract and integrate highly skilled professionals in the area of knowledge transfer.

Funded projects


Fabienne Roussel

Project title

Project DEVelopment


Luxembourg Institute of Health (LIH)

FNR Committed

350.000 €

Project abstract

The Luxembourg Institute of Health (LIH) is dedicated to generate and translate research knowledge into clinical applications with an impact on the future challenges of health care and personalised medicine. With this vision of translating knowledge into benefits for patients, LIH has invested into a strong Research & Knowledge Transfer Office (RKTO) to facilitate the generation, identification and application of innovative results. LIH already benefits from the KiTS program through the ACTOR project, which aims at integrating the dimension of valorisation as early as the conception stage of research projects. The new Project DEVelopment (ProDEV) KiTS project will bring this sensitivity to the next level by maturing applied projects and develop the platforms at LIH. The manpower that will be added to RKTO by the project developer will reinforce RKTO and build up the support it provides to researchers.


Marc Lemmer

Project title

Industry Partnership 2.0


University of Luxembourg

FNR Committed

350.000 €

Project abstract

Market knowledge gained through systematic and frequent industry collaboration in public research projects has a positive impact on knowledge and technology transfer in public research organizations. Business development activities provide such market knowledge and Industry feedback. The SnT Industry Partnership Programme which has been in place for several years, has proven to be very successful with 35 partnerships up to date. To improve the sustainability of this Programme on the long term, to extend its reach-out to a broader set of potential partners and to attract more international partners, SnT is going to develop additional collaboration models and business development capabilities for partnership acquisition, relationship management and strategic positioning.

In parallel to the Industry Partnership Programme, SnT operates a Technology Transfer Office (TTO) put in place in 2016 after a successful pilot project. Today, the TTO is focussed on “technology push” capabilities, allowing the Centre to package, market and license technologies built upon results coming out of scientific research.

With this proposal, SnT will achieve the goal to fine-tune the framework conditions enabling the development of a well-balanced “technology push-pull model” for its TTO, and to define the appropriate business development concept for SnT. SnT’s TTO will take care of the new business development function in addition to its innovation management role, facilitating the processes from invention disclosure to license agreements and spin-off creation. As a key milestone of this KITS project two experienced business development leaders will be recruited and integrated as Partnership Development Officers in the existing TTO.


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