Residential workshop: Cross-border Post-Doctoriales 2018 – apply now!

The 2018 edition of Cross-border Post-Doctoriales – a residential workshop dedicated to researchers on temporary work contracts in the French, German and Luxembourgish public sector – will take place in Luxembourg from 4 – 7 December. Deadline to apply is Monday, 16 July.

European researchers are often not well aware of the professional possibilities that are open to them outside of the public sector and feel poorly prepared to achieve a smooth transition into the business sector. Entering the latter, however, is the best way to counterbalance the negative changes in the public sector, meaning fewer permanent positions, an increase in temporary contracts and limitations of their duration.

Moreover, more than 1/3 of EU-researchers have been mobile during their postdoc phase (Researchers’ Report 2014 by Deloitte). They are facing two specific challenges when they return home: on one hand, the lack of a local network to help them to identify opportunities and better know the job market; on the other hand, the career development of their spouses when they are both scientists.

That is why ABG, the Franco-German University, Luxembourg National Research Fund, the University of Luxembourg and Luxembourgish national research institutes (LIH, LISER and LIST) have joined forces to organise a seminar specifically for:

  • researchers with a temporary contract in the public sector,
  • researchers who are returning home after their mobility,
  • researchers facing a dual career development.

This seminar, held in English, will allow them to pinpoint their specific skills, go over their work history, define their future career plan in a new perspective and efficiently communicate with recruiters in France, Germany and Luxembourg.

The seminar is based on an interactive methodology: participants are expected to be proactive during the 4 days. That is why organisers put emphasis on participants’ motivation and engagement.

In order to strengthen the group dynamics and enhance the exchanges between participants beyond the official programme, all participants, even those from Luxembourg, will be accommodated in the youth hostel of Luxembourg-City (2 rue du Fort Olisy).


  • discover new career paths outside of public research
  • have a better overview of the job market in all three countries
  • achieve a better understanding of HR policies for researchers
  • develop and maintain a professional network
  • better communicate on professional profile, background and skills, considering differences between cultures and countries

Eligibility criteria

The seminar is open to doctorate holders at the time of registration who either:

  • hold a temporary contract in the public sector in France, Germany or Luxembourg
  • are unemployed
  • have returned from an international mobility and are looking for a position in one of the three countries
  • have followed their spouses and are now looking for a position in one of the three countries.

The participants must have a good English level and at least understand German or French. Priority is given to doctorate holders whose work contract is about to end or who are unemployed.

Applications from doctoral candidates who will be finished at the time of the workshop but not at the time of registration will not be considered.

Registration and selection procedure

The main seminar costs will be covered by the partner institutions. Each participant is required to contribute a fee of 120€ and cover his/her own travel costs.
Application consists in:

  • a registration form
  • a CV (in French, German or English)
  • a cover letter in English (motivation and expectations – a specific paragraph must be dedicated to the presentation of the participants’ career goals)
  • Applications have to be submitted at the deadline to the respective institutional coordinators (cf contact details below).

The selection process includes 2 steps:

  • pre-selection made by each institution, based on candidates’ eligibility and motivation
  • final selection made by a selection committee (composed of the project coordinators of each institution) to establish the final list of attendees.

Calendar 2018

  • Monday, 16 July 2018: application deadline
  • 23 July final selection of participants and confirmation of registration to selected participants
  • 7 September deadline for the payment of participation fees
  • 4 – 7 December: workshop, taking place at Youth Hostel, 2 rue du Fort Olisy, L-2261 Luxembourg City


For more information, please contact the coordinator at your institution.


Download the call for applications

Download the registration form

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