Researchers’ Days 2022: Call for proposals!

The Researchers’ Days will return for its 8th edition on Friday, 25 and Saturday, 26 November 2022 at the Rockhal in Esch/Belval. Don’t miss the chance to interact and motivate future generations of scientists and share the passion that got you into research by offering them a hands-on science workshop or a Science Café!    

Who can participate?

Whether you are a researcher, engineer, science communicator or have a background in science, whether you are working in the public or private sector in Luxembourg or as a Luxembourger abroad, we invite you to submit your proposal!

All scientific disciplines are invited to participate!

Deadline & how to submit

Send us your proposals – using the online application form (English or French) on – by Thursday10 February 2022, 14:00 CET at the latest!

A tutorial on how to use the FNR’s online application form (AIMS) is available on the website as well.

Detailed information and guidelines may be found in the Call documents also available on

Have you already submitted a proposal in 2020?

Did you submit a proposal for the Researchers’ Days 2020 (cancelled due to the Pandemic) and want to resubmit the same proposal for this new edition, or make some minor changes only? In order to ease your resubmission process, we will return each proposal back to the applicant. Your application can be found in your AIMS inbox.

The success of previous editions was down to the quality of the activities put forward by the collaborating and contributing researchers and other participants in the field of science and research in Luxembourg. We hope that you will support us again with the same enthusiasm than in previous editions and that many of you will respond to our Call for Proposals!

We are here to help you, so do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

For further information on the Researchers’ Days 2022, please contact:

Sonia Ramos

Event & Communication Manager

M: 691 362 826

or Melanie Reuter

Science Communication Support Manager

 M: 691 36 28 27

Researchers' Days 2018
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