Research Luxembourg – launch of website

‘Research Luxembourg’, the initiative of the main players of Luxembourg public research, has launched its website. In addition to being a platform to promote Luxembourg research to an international audience, the site also features a dedicated section about the COVID-19 task force.

Luxembourg is home to innovative research, which help make up the cornerstones for the country’s future of creating a knowledge-based society, driving economic diversification and generating societal impact.

The newly launched website aims to become a contact point and information platform for learning more about Luxembourg’s Research Community such as research news, funding opportunities and upcoming events.  Additionally, the website aims to introduce research ‘made in Luxembourg’ to an international level for an international audience.

Research Luxembourg’s mission is to promote scientific cooperation in Luxembourg by attracting and connecting talented minds, creative innovators and visionary entrepreneurs in one of the most international and forward-looking countries in Europe. It also aims to create international visibility and recognition for Luxembourg’s Research Community.


COVID-19 task force

On 26 March, Research Luxembourg announced the launch of a COVID-19 task force to offer the health system the combined expertise available within the Luxembourg public research sector. The Research Luxembourg website lists the first 12 Work Packages (WPs) of the initiative.

More about Research Luxembourg

Research Luxembourg is a joint initiative of the main players in Luxembourg public research Luxembourg Institute of Health (LIH); Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER); Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST); Laboratoire National de santé (LNS); University of Luxembourg; Fonds National de la Recherche (FNR), under the coordination of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research. The main aim of the initiative is to promote scientific cooperation in Luxembourg and to communicate the activities of the sector as a whole.

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COVID-19: Research Luxembourg is mobilising

Provision of equipment and specialised personnel, support for hospital staff, scientific studies

Research Luxembourg, a joint initiative of the main players in Luxembourg’s public research sector, is mobilising its knowledge and its human and material resources to help address the challenge of COVID-19. A task force has been set up in order to offer the health system the combined expertise available within the Luxembourg public research sector (LIH, LISER, LIST, LNS, University, FNR, under the coordination of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research).

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