Dear PSP Flagshippers,
It is great to see how the initially small pool of amazing science communication projects under PSP Flagship funding has grown steadily and fast over the years. Out of an initial idea to foster sustainable science outreach projects within Luxembourg became an excellent hub of expertise and we thought it would be interesting to give you the opportunity to get to know each other among the different PSP Flagship projects.
Thus, the FNR is happy to invite you to the first ever PSP Flagship Networking Event. We would kindly ask you to please register to the event until latest the 2nd of June at 14:00 CET.
When? 14th of June from 17:00 to 21:30
Check-In will be possible starting from 16:30 while the main program of the event will start at 17:00.
Where? Hotel Mama Shelter in Kirchberg, Luxembourg city
2 Rue du Fort Niedergruenewald, 1616 Luxembourg
6th floor in the Salle Belvedère
Limited parking is available at the Mama Shelter parking (connected to Sofitel Hotel), as well as at the separated Novotel Hotel. Parking tickets have to be paid at their respective receptions.
Please bring up to 3 additional colleagues from your PSP Flagship project to the Networking Event. Every attendee will have to submit their presence via registration form. Please send those colleagues that will be accompanying you to the event the registration form as well.
What now?
To have an overview of all projects present at the event, we would kindly ask you to prepare a quick and informal presentation of 4 minutes and 2 slides maximum about your latest PSP Flagship project. Please send those slides to Linda Wampach until latest 13th of June.
Let’s take this moment together to share news, ideas, drinks, food, and a good time. We are looking forward to seeing you and spending some time together!