Submitted Abstract
Tuesday’s seminars in Biosciences, LBMCC/RSL Hôpital Kirchberg, Pr Marc DiederichDescription of the ConferenceTuesday’s Seminars in Biosciences are a series of lectures given by European researchers spread over the academic year. This seminar series, which exists since 2006, is organized by the “Laboratoire de Biologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire du cancer” (LBMCC) and Recherches Scientifiques Luxembourg (RSL), asbl. As for previous seasons, all the conferences will take place at the Kirchberg hospital during the 2013 session. Invited speakers will present newest results related to their own research field, including all the domains of biomedicine. Tuesday’s Seminars are open to all individuals interested in Life Sciences but targets particularly researchers, PhD, Engineers and Master students, technicians and internships working in Luxembourgish as well as foreign research laboratories. On average, 30-40 persons usually attend to conferences. Seminars are announced via e-mailing and RSL, LBMCC and FNR websites.Moreover, Tuesday’s Seminars provide an excellent opportunity for PhD and Master students to attend to scientific conferences of high levels. This participation is a condition required to validate PhD diploma from some Universities (e.g. University of Lorraine (France)). From September to November 2013, 7 seminars are scheduled so far for the next session (see attached preliminary plan). Additional dates may be added, and possibly on some days more than one invited speaker will have a presentation. On the remaining Tuesdays, researchers of LBMCC organize a Journal Club where they present recent publications as well as their own research data.