The Luxembourgish Financial Centre in a Global Perspective


CALL: 2019

DOMAIN: ID - Humanities and Social Sciences


LAST NAME: Majerus



HOST INSTITUTION: University of Luxembourg

KEYWORDS: Globalisation, Financial Centres, Luxembourg, History

START: 2020-02-01

END: 2020-08-31


Submitted Abstract

The goal of this application is to fund the outbound research visit of Associate Professor Benoît Majerus. He is head of the European Research Unit at the Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C2DH) where he is leading the flagship project ‘Glocal histories of the financial place in Luxembourg’, which addresses the history of the Luxembourgish financial marketplace in a transnational perspective. The stay in Berkeley will be part of his sabbatical whose main objective is threefold:•Reorienting his academic trajectory;•Focusing on a new project dedicated to the International Overseas Service Scandal of the 1960s and 1970s, by drafting a first article on the topic based on previous processed archives in Europe and visiting US archives relevant for this topic; and•Elaborating a research agenda for an emerging research group inside the Centre for Contemporary and Digital History focusing on a transnational history of the financial centre of Luxembourg (at the moment comprised of six researchers).As a Visiting Scholar at the University of California, Berkeley, Institute of European Studies (IES), Benoît Majerus will have access to a first-class library, process New York and Washington-based archival research for the project, give 2 lectures, attend lessons, conferences, seminars and workshops, and draft one peer reviewed article and one discussion paper. This will be completed in cooperation with Berkeley based experts on European History and more specifically on financial history. This will allow for a much more knowledgeable exploitation of the archival resources, and greatly enhance the quality and visibility of his publications.The IES at Berkeley is one of the biggest European Studies departments in the US, and, as a strategic partner of the University of Luxembourg, is a perfect institution for a research visit. Jeroen Dewulf, Head of the IES and of its Benelux program will be the host of the research visit, and Majerus will collaborate with Vanessa Ogle, Associate Professor of European History, and Gabriel Zucman, Associate Professor of Economics. These Berkeley-based experts will provide invaluable feedback on the archival research findings thus far, and the drafting of the articles.

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